Minecraft Robbery… May 21, 2021 by Dream Shorts Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg Minecraft Robbery… #shorts @GeorgeNotFound @BadBoyHalo @Sapnap The Dream Team tries to rob an old man… this short was fun to record but is very stupid source
dream please pin this comment and also can u do a vid where u teach how to become a pro in mc or how to do ur famous what do you call it…. ummm the mlg & boat clutch Reply
Dream: the normal guyGeorge: the colorblind side characterSapnap: the bad guyBbh: the guy with the job Reply
Watching this after having watched 'The Man In The Dark' makes the first part and a bit of the end ten times more creepy Reply
Is it true that Kreekcraft is dreams cousin??????? DREAM REPLY NOW and Karl is kreeks half brother??? Reply
i saw the meme…i saw this twist coming
That escalated quickly owo
This reminds me of Home alone
dream please pin this comment and also can u do a vid where u teach how to become a pro in mc or how to do ur famous what do you call it…. ummm the mlg & boat clutch
I like how they called George glasses xD
(Patches next door causally twerking)
(I'm concerned… 😟)
how "Don't breathe" worked out
They got masks and everything but they can still see their nametags LOL
Call an ambulance call an ambulance BUT NOT FOR ME!!
Dream: the normal guy
George: the colorblind side character
Sapnap: the bad guy
Bbh: the guy with the job
Everyone talking about call an ambulance but not for me what about the colours of the rockets
Reason they still won’t post: George is sick from sitting in an ice box
Watching this after having watched 'The Man In The Dark' makes the first part and a bit of the end ten times more creepy
dream your mums very mad at u
Why was the explosion orange and black
I feel like this is some reference to don't breathe
Why hasn't this channel uploaded in a while I thought they upload every day
hahahahahaha Bad is so Big Brain
0:04 the oh, oh my good sounds like Karl
Is it true that Kreekcraft is dreams cousin??????? DREAM REPLY NOW and Karl is kreeks half brother???
Dream failed us 4 days since a video
He relly did that meme
How the tables hade turned
They should've had Ph1ilza play the old man instead of BadBoyHalo. It would be funnier lmao.
"let's pray for Corona Patient"stay safe stay healthy♥️♥️……."
Pin me
So that why tehno used the rocket arrow..he wanted to be powerful and not dumb like bbh 😳
Old meme recreated.
minecraft free SMPs be like
welcome to america
"Call an ambulance, call an ambulance, but not for me" wise words
Dream, i just saw that you are a SINGER TOO!!! Is that really you dream???
You are minecraft PRO and PRO singer, if you are the singer I saw
Wither skeleton head lol
What kind of robber enters through the door
Best trio ever : Green, glasses, fire
Call an ambulance, Call an ambulance!!
But not fa me
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