Minecraft Relaxing Longplay – Rainy Cherry Grove – Cozy Cottage House (No Commentary) 1.20

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

A relaxing no commentary Minecraft longplay of building a house in the rainy cherry grove. In this video, We explore the forest, caves and sometimes travel far to different biomes to gather resources to build a cozy house. This longplay is with Minecraft’s original calm soundtrack and done on survival peaceful mode.

I’m happy to say hello with a new video :)💕

The cherry blossom forest was very attractive and beautiful. When it rains, a bright pink light and a little lilac light make it more dreamlike.💕 When I first explored the cherry grove, I found some inspiration, and one of them is this build. I wanted to build a secret mansion with a little gothic feel and blossom pink. I imagine like I’ll find this mansion when I get lost in the cherry forest where the petals are falling beautifully. And It may be waiting for you too.

The title of the music used at the end of this video is ‘Shadow Friend’. Looking at the title of the song, I thought it fits well with the role of my videos. I hope my video, the time in the video, is another concept of friend to you.💕 And I’ll be glad if my video will help you just in the way you need it 🙂 Thank you always.💜

=========== 📜TIMESTAMPS ===========

00:00:00 | Beginning & Gathering Coal and Iron

00:19:16 | Finding a Place for Base Camp

00:22:18 | Gathering Coal and Iron in a cave

01:04:39 | Looking around the forest and Getting Cherry Wood

01:18:40 | Thinking up the Foundation Structure

01:30:40 | Getting more Deepslate

01:41:17 | Developing the Foundation Structure

02:06:35 | Getting more Deepslate

02:17:13 | Developing the Foundation Structure

02:43:27 | Exterior #1

02:51:45 | Getting more Deepslate

02:59:48 | Exterior #2

03:03:51 | Exploring the sea for resources

03:12:50 | Found a Lush Cave

03:12:49 | Exterior #3

04:18:25 | Getting more Dirt

04:19:21 | Exterior #4

04:24:50 | Getting more Deepslate

04:33:48 | Getting Flowers

04:41:50 | Exterior #5

05:05:02 | Getting Cherry Wood

05:15:58 | Exterior #6

05:34:40 | Getting more Deepslate

05:40:14 | Exterior #7

06:16:57 | Getting Cherry Wood

06:20:52 | Exterior #8

06:28:17 | Getting more Deepslate

06:35:06 | Exterior #9

06:45:55 | Getting Honeycombs

06:54:15 | Exterior #10

06:58:04 | Getting Sand and Webs

07:15:55 | Exterior #11

07:25:47 | Getting Cherry Wood

07:38:17 | Interior #1

08:12:29 | Getting more Deepslate

08:24:43 | Interior #2

08:35:52 | Getting Cherry Wood, Wool, and Leather

08:51:04 | Interior #3

09:21:09 | Getting Cherry Wood

09:33:13 | Getting Wool

09:42:19 | Interior #4

10:09:47 | Ending cinematic✨

=========== GAME INFO ===========

• Java Edition 1.20

• Complementary Shader 1.20

• Jerm’s Better Leaves

• Fast Leaf Decay

• -3803227546826123784
(239 129 -13967)

=========== CREDITS ===========

☁️ BGM
•TTRM – Shadow Friend

• Please do not reupload or modify my videos.
Copyright © 2023 by CottonVelvet.

#minecraftlongplay #minecraftbuild #minecraft


32 thoughts on “Minecraft Relaxing Longplay – Rainy Cherry Grove – Cozy Cottage House (No Commentary) 1.20”

  1. I’m happy to have found these videos. They’ve kept me company on nights when my anxiety was out of control. They’ve kept me calm and comforted. I really appreciate everyone who makes videos that just want to bring something positive to the viewers. Something that can truly help. This video has helped calm me down and helped me feel relaxed enough to get sleep. That’s not an easy task for me or for anyone trying to help me relax. So, I feel grateful that I’ve found something that has succeeded. 🩷💖

  2. Hey Cotton, i just wanted to thank you because your videos have helped me relax through the troubling times I've been through recently. I moved over a few states north on the east coast a few months ago and i remember the cozy times i had watching your videos, they helped me relax through every struggle. I deeply appreciate you for making these long-plays, it may just be a game, but it truly lifts my spirits, especially because you seem like a genuinely kind person. Thank you Cotton!

  3. Don't even really play MC anymore but still subbing just because this might be one of the most wholesome channels I've ever come across. Reading the comments on your video is delightful.

  4. Hello! I wanted to ask if it was at all possible to access and explore the things you build in your worlds, if you have them uploaded anywhere. I often watch you go through the process of building on my screen while I work and think that I would love to explore them. Even if it is paid on pattern for your efforts, I would love to be able to explore for myself. Thank you so much!

  5. Simple and enjoyable video to have running on another monitor while working, not too distracting but captivating enough to glance back to every now and then and listen on. 🙂

  6. I might just make a playlist that lasts days and just have it there on weekends playing, not worrying about pausing, just chilling, as I play a bit of guitar, or drink some hot chocolate.

    The levels of chill this brings, just immaculate chill, only things that bring me more comfort? Maybe cuddling irl when it's raining outside, but you do need someone else to do that.. Maybe playing Minecraft with someone… Again.. You need someone.

    As I am lonely in this world, this might be the closest I can currently get to pure chill

  7. I really wish the grass was pink. Even though it would be a nightmare collecting all those cherry blossom grass blocks.

    But thinking about it more. I think it has more to do with the grass being too vibrant. It almost takes away from the beautiful pink petals and leaves.aybe if it was less saturated it would do just fine?


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