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A relaxing no commentary Minecraft longplay of a cozy aesthetic spruce cabin build. In this video we explore a village and build ourselves a small starter home by a lake while it rains.
Minecraft version 1.17
Shaders: BSL Shaders
Resource pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on
Seed: -1460336719244781455
Teleport to 1601 / 63 / -592 for the build location
All music in this video is by C418 from the Minecraft soundtrack
1:28:30 the struggle is real…
Love minecraft love watching my kids play it .Great video man I've subscribed
Minecraft is a relaxing, perfect game with building and breaking mechanics perfected so your imagination (and build limit) is the only limit.
And also a source for neverending rage
fell asleep
feeling very eepy right about now
This is just conceptionally awesome i didnt know i needed this until now
my guy I almost missed my class cause the video is so relaxing it made me fall asleep
just making a suggestion i actually fell asleep to the video but think the music is a bit on the loud side
Your long plays are amazing work and relaxing gameplay!
omg these vids are life savers for when i get anxious
Thanks for this vid I have the greatest eating moment time
I couldn't fall asleep, couldn't find a video to help me, then I found you.. Minecraft + rain + soft music ?? Thank you for your content, you gained a follower ♡
Super peaceful
Just looking to find a texture pack on the xbox that looks like this, help
This is how playing perfectionists
this is the most comfortable video in youtube..
So lucky you found 19 obsidian in the village LOL!!
When I listen to these i immediately dream I'm in Minecraft as soon as I fall asleep keep it up
I honestly don't really know anything about Minecraft, but this is excellent to fall asleep to. So soothing.
J uovvou
Watching this during my study session breaks, it's super relaxingggggg. I love this ❤
Very relaxing video. Is anyone gonna talk about the 19 obsidian in the chest near the start though? Never seen that much naturally spawn. But great relaxing video nonetheless.
MF villager has 2 dors min 09:30
beautiful. 🙂 so happy to have your channel, infinitedrift!
I k ow you’re having fun but can’t stand a copy cat! Get your own thing you ain’t wax fraud
You saving the cat from being stuck ❤
guys. Rainfall + minecraft + dry hands music in the intro = perfect night.
I love how the water looks and the rain sounds 😊 and i love it when you collect something and it makes a poping noise
Que agonia de ver esse cara jogando
so cute
This was so relaxing it helped me think straight thx
This is cool, I got back into minecraft recently haven't played since the Xbox 360 game. I'm playing with friends. This step by step and helping me so .uch! You've earned a sub
The music made me cry