minecraft redstone tutorials be like

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

its rly simple ok lets build a quantum computer – mumbo


37 thoughts on “minecraft redstone tutorials be like”

  1. I've never found a video that explains how, when and why to use redstone in a way people can understand lol. I've had to figure it out completely on my own and it's often quite difficult.

  2. Hey guys today were gonna be building this simple minecraft house. Before we begin I just wanna say that only 38.9% of you that watch me are subscribed to the channel so please go ahead and subscribe if you haven't already. Also we have NEW MERCH!! Link is in the description. Without further ado let's get into the videooooo. OK guys so you wanna begin by placing one block right here. And go across by 69. Now just follow this timelapse. OK so as you can see I have built a whole city. I built a bit off camera but hopefully you guys could follow along. Please like and subscribe with notifications on so you don't miss a future upload and I will see you guys in part two where we will be creating a full scale planet earth. BYE

  3. For those who are saying he's copying McYum,
    No he's not, he uploaded this about 1 month before McYum's redstone video.
    And he uploaded his first be like video about 20 days before McYum's first be like video.

  4. i made a machine that hacks into area 51 data and made a block by block replica of all the files in a mod and uploaded the mod in 0.000000000000000000000000534635284673246562158467349856734859 milliseconds to planet minecraft


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