Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg
Map: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/72474#osu/207692
It’s the 180 BPM diff
Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg
Map: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/72474#osu/207692
It’s the 180 BPM diff
what kinda jutsu is this bro…
beatmap link?
me except i butterfly
You can do 180bpm With one mouse button and I can't do 180bpm with 2 fingers
kinda true…… but not all minecraft pvpers are that fast at clicking
True true
obviously on relax
Lol nice
Lots of people are asking for the map, so I added it to the description.
I mean why?! XD
you should do a butterfly click one lol
Tried doing this but i have no idea how fast a certain bpm stream is when converted to cps
Carpal tunnel is fun
butterfly you wont
True, can relate
His girlfriend must love him
how to get carpal tunnel 101
Now do it with drag clicking……
Ayyo what mouse is that
15CPS bro 😎
Lol i use the button macro on my mouse
Instant carpal tunnel engaged
merami do this without jitterclicking, you bad LOL.
One word, Technoblade
who tf holds their mouse like that XD
The fact that he is alone in the discord channel makes me sad
EZ Carpal Tunnel
That’s not even skill that’s just spam clicking at a slow rate going in a square gtfo
She: show me what you can do with those hands
Me an intellectual:
Who use mouse
That's pretty realistic
Butterfly click lmaoo
That's what I thought I had to when first started playing the game Xd
nice man, veery niice
That grip is just wierd man
Oh look its me
bro i was called for macro by doing that LMAO
u are so incosistent
Us jitterclickers know the strat
True but drag Click no jutsu work too
Fake, I can't hear heavy breathing and dubstep playing on the back.