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100 Players Simulate a Zombie Apocalypse…
In today’s video, we go on our mission to retrieve Gibriel, and get a Zombie Cure to save NyxLunari’s life… Will we be able to get to the hospital without being attacked by the rouge group on the other side of the water? Let’s find out!
WATCH EPISODE 1: https://youtu.be/K8kTCjFUgWQ
WATCH EPISODE 2: https://youtu.be/FW61zf8_Ea4
WATCH EPISODE 3: https://youtu.be/7jVgqmT_9ok
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🎬 Edited by ► HOA
MAP CREDIT/CREATOR – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/open-world-zombie-apocalypse-survival/
The video was inspired by @ForgeLabs
#minecraft #zombieapocalypse #hardcore
Man all of swords plans didn’t work because of how strong the zombies were this was definitely the bad timeline
this series is most definitely going to continue with sword being cured
FROM NEPAL broo love uu
Is this searis over?😢😢😢😢
Guys sword died by a zombie now he's a zombie so can't his friends find a cure and fix him?
Wait a minute is he? Is he still not reading the special books that contains information?
Love this sieries
How do I join the server
I like sword always make videos when i open my youtube sword has new freshh video i love it
Happy 106k
What happens if sword is revived!❤
RIP Sword 🙏
Even in death will you be remembered for your valiant efforts against the enemy team
Is there any way possible to do a revival? Admin?? Maybe? I’ve been binge watching this series and actually for some weird reason it reminded me of TWD
Please i hope they find a cure
I’ve literally been checking every time I’m on yt for this episode
WAIT!!!! Your team might come back to the hospital to get cure to revive to you ❤
Plsss one nore episode of this series
How I waited so long for this
For a very long time, I've been looking for a minecraft youtuber who has awesome video's. I have finally found the youtuber I have been looking for (Sword4000). Sword, I love your videos especially this zombie apocalypse series.
He shall be revived… The mc always prevails
we want moreee.!!😊🎉
My bro had water bucket
I just watched all 4 episodes today
I think this is not the end because there are cure maybe they can Cure you SWORD
I wish that his remaining teamate cure him and atleast die in a more heroic death. Rathwr than dying because of zombies. Part 5 pleaseeee
Part 5. Pleeeeaaaaseeee cure him
thank you for being a good youtuber and be always post some interesting content
I love nyxlunari 😂❤
Can you just please get cured by your teammates? Because this was a bad ending and the series are so nice. Also I was sad because you did not took your water bucket at the end 😢. Like this so he sees this, I hope sword will read this ❤.
U died a hero,u was a hero😢
You cured 3 people
U risked yor life and …
Sword how did u died?u had a water bucket 🪣🪣
congrats on 100k on this channel sword!
Let's just hope that his teammate FramedYT will find cure to revive sword in episode 5
DO ANOTHER ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE these are fun who agrees
Can I ask who won the war
Dying light in Minecraft
Amazing video like always! ❤
I heard the smooth voice of nyx again hahaha
I'm so happy they revived all of them :]]
I hope your team can find more cures and revive you and Relic!
Happy 100k suds:)))