Minecraft MythBuster That will Blow your Mind September 30, 2021 by Adi-Spot Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg Minecraft MythBuster That will Blow your Mind #Short #Shorts #minecraft #adispot source
Wo apse trade isliye kar raha h kyunki wo cleric h or cleric ko ham rotten flesh dekar trade kar sakte h Reply
Myth:if you go to end don't kill the Ender dragon and build block then you can see end city . Pls take my myth. Reply
Myth: if you shoot arrow into lava arrows get damage only work in pocket edition please take my myth Reply
Second myth mai tune clerik ko rotten flesh dekaya aur clerik 32rotten flesh se 1 emerald trade kartha hai bhai. Reply
Myth when you sheer any colour sheep after shearing when there is no wool on the sheepSheep Head will change it colour from any colour to white Reply
Myth :- if u place cauldron under bedrock and put 2 Powder snow buckets it then bedrock will break 😳 Reply
If your kelp farm is not working in latest version of bedrock I have created a video on it
Myth : wooden sword enchanted fire respect
Myth:horse can also eat golden apple plz give shoutout
Myth: Iron pickaxe par silk touch ki enchantment Lagakar ham obsidian ko tod sakte h
Myth ÷ invisility potion wither boss ,ghast and ender dragon pe kam nahi karta
very very thank you😇😇😇
Myth-If you place sand near door you will be another side
Myth: you don't place ladder in glass myth:
https://youtube.com/channel/UCFG4B88Byt_zhxjUfUqxYCg my second channel
myth:you can enchant anvil…
I don't know about the xray one though
myth:hoglins run away when u place a mushroom in nether(wraped fungus)
Bat Boy
Wo apse trade isliye kar raha h kyunki wo cleric h or cleric ko ham rotten flesh dekar trade kar sakte h
Bhai op hai🤗🤗🤗
Please please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺 pin
Myth : wooden sword enchanted fire respect
https://youtu.be/03thX0azJeA .
Myth: if go world border then we
Cross the border with boat then
We take damage
Op spam nahi rukna chaiye bhai ke liye
Myth:if you go to end don't kill the Ender dragon and build block then you can see end city . Pls take my myth.
Hy his pe and pc
If you pick a trident with charaling 3 on pig it will convert into piglin
Myth: agar ap cats or dogs ko slime block pr sit karenge to vo dance karne lagege
Myth agar hum sub 🎉 karge to sub ka button gray color jayega
Ham agar fence ke pas aag laga kar fence se jump mar sakte hai
Myth claric ki peche creeper ka face hai dekho plz plz plz plz plz
Myth: if you shoot arrow into lava arrows get damage only work in pocket edition please take my myth
Hello my name is mysha
Bhai door wala glitche iron door pe bhi kaam kare gha
Second myth mai tune clerik ko rotten flesh dekaya aur clerik 32
rotten flesh se 1 emerald trade kartha hai bhai.
Try 2and myth on other profession villagers or nulla villagers
Cleric rotten flesh khareedta hai
Myth when you sheer any colour sheep after shearing when there is no wool on the sheep
Sheep Head will change it colour from any colour to white
Agar ap bed rock ke pac khade raha kar sand dalo ge to ap teleport ho jahe ge
Myth :- if u place cauldron under bedrock and put 2 Powder snow buckets it then bedrock will break 😳
Myth – his all myth videos contains two confirmed myths and one busted myth .
Myth- a charged creeper can kill you in full netherite and does a 64 damage
Ap Java edition khelo