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Minecraft makes sense, except in the ways it doesn’t Some of those ways get more confusing the more you think about them, though…
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That food thing is semi realistic, you shouldnt ever eat raw chicken, but you can eat small amounts of beef and pork raw
7:23 You ate 3 raw chicken and didn't get poisoned. If raw chicken has a 30% chance of poisoning you and you ate it 3 times, then we can multiply 70% by 70% by 70% (70% because that is the chance of NOT getting poisoned) and get that this has a 34.3% chance of happening, which means that you actually didn't get that lucky. I hope my math is correct.
buttons and pressure plates i wonder about much more than stairs
Who be throwing sand on puke?!?!
I think the 11 disc is herobrine
In Minecraft education edition you can tell what elements a thing is made of. Dioright has the exact same formula as quarts .
I figured out the stairs
Each piece of wood is cut into 4 mini cubes. 8 mini cubes are equal to 1 block right so you cut the block in half then each half into quarters to make themIf you have 6 blocks then you have a total of 24 mini cubes. Each stair is then built out of 6 mini cubes. The stairs are 4 mini cubes on the bottom half and 2 mini cubes on top.
Toycat: Disk 11 doesn’t make any sense.
Disk 13: sad creepy disk noises
When 6 yr you comes across the 11 disk: nightmares intensifys
Toycat: "Its an unsolved mystery"
Me: Dream??
I eat red meat near raw all the time
Toycat: I used lava to destroy the lava.
Raw Fish- Sashimi
Raw Beef- Carpaccio or Tartare
Raw Pork- less dangerous than it used to be
Stairs- 6 wood = 4 3/4 blocks
Door- 6 wood = 3 1/3 blocks (about 1/6 thick, 2 high)
Trapdoor- 6 wood = 2 1/6 blocks
Sign- 6 wood + 1 stick = 3 less than 1/6 blocks
Yes, very much makes sense…
The sound is coughing.
you cant craft crimson or warped boats cus it would be too easy to go across lava since those wood dont burn
2:55 "I used the lava to destroy the lava"
Why does everything get destroyed by a cactus
What texture pack is this
The food one kind of makes sense
raw cod is fish and you eat sushi which is raw fish
pork chops and beef can be fine raw if it is handled correctly
chicken is almost never good to eat no matter hoe it is prepared
rotten flesh is rotten, and that makes sense
The reason for only 1 meat giving you salmonella is only semi odd. Pork should definitely give you food poisoning, but have you ever heard of Sushi? Rare steaks?
I think the zombie in the igloo was the owner of the igloo and the villager knew that it was going to turn so he made all the things needed for him to get revived in the future.
I'm gutted, I finally found an igloo that was supposed to have a basement, but it didn't fully generate
The world of minecraft has something called quantum compression. It allows you to carry a mountain of gravel in compressed form, but two uncompressed blocks will crush you.
In Germany we can eat raw pork and raw beef with no problem
The biggest Minecraft mystery that keeps me up at night is why can’t you open your inventory while in a boat in Bedrock edition? Like, c’mon, that’s so dumb lol.
Actually, eating raw pork isn't that dangerous.
The ''mob'' in the music disk 11 just sounds like someone coughing.
I think a Wikipedia search on diorite and andesite answers your first "mystery".
that music disc mob is herobrine
or mAYbe thE MOB Is an amBIeNT CaVe NoISE
On my server I have a data pack where if you are holding a lava bucked you die in like 4 ticks.
"I created the universe, you think I'm drawing the line at the f**** deli isle"? ~ God ~ Bo Burnham
Then you need to also ask why we can't get gravel from dirt.
1:23 why is the boat full of water and still floating
Toycat explaining the process of making stairs with the music in the back got me
I swear if Andrew flexes his rtx one more time I'm in subbing
You should get 8 stairs instead of 4!
You know what is better than eating raw pork… Eating it under water
Okay, but Quartz being in Diorite implies Quartz is in the overworld naturally, even though Quartz is called Nether Quartz in game.
6:22 check out Game Theory he has a good explanation for this and it goes well with the lore
Did you know that you can not only craft diorite with quartz but also granite and andisite
Why is magma ok to carry but not stand on?
Why do endermen drop green eyes when they glow purple?
Why do spiders only drop one eye they shud have 8?
Were skeletons once villagers? Or are they dead mine crafters?
Why are there no necromancers but undead everywhere?
Do creepers explode cause they get scared or when they get angry?
How do trees grow without a roots block?
Why dont you respawn in the nether when you die?
What is this texture pack called?
Make a boat from crimson or warped, its basically fireproof so lava boat