MINECRAFT MOVIE IS HERE! #minecraft #minecraftmovie

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43 thoughts on “MINECRAFT MOVIE IS HERE! #minecraft #minecraftmovie”

  1. We still have hope for:
    Postal 2 Movie: Share the Pain
    Team Fortress 2 the Movie
    Overwatch Movie
    Luigi Mansion Movie
    Half Life Movie
    Serious Sam Movie
    Sabretooth: The Movie
    Diablo Movie
    Sonic Unleashed Movie
    God of War Movie
    X Men Evolution: The Movie
    X Men Legends The Movie
    Street fighter 2 the movie

  2. I have a better idea the nether is invading the over world but its actualy someone with a command block or a game dev is trying to reset minecraft for the better as he see but all the players is trying to stop him like every player or just youtubers and another game dev is helping to stop him it will be a big war with all the trap of 1 shot . The war between players and mobs . The plot the nether is trying to invade in to the over world but its much more bigger 2 game devs is trying to make minecraft to the golden age again but the other dev want to reset minecraft to have a new beginning ,just something i want in the movie a line Stop this will you still can then the other dev say its to late and summon a wither with a command block like the other mincraft movie as a last ditch effort ❀

  3. It's a cash grab that's meant to piggyback off a successful IP, relies on the starpower of Jack Black and Jason Momoa, and put no research into the game beyond "What does it look like?"

  4. I'm really disappointed of the Minecraft movie I thought it would have Minecraft thing but Warner bros had to a cash grabs only little kids watches this show but for us veteran this is just an insult😒😒😒

  5. If they wanted a generic plot at least make more interesting like "Travers from another world come into a blocky world where they have to explore the world to find a command block for steave to defeat hero brine, the person who trapped them there and then return to the real world."

  6. Sonic:have the great game, the movie is good, even the villain
    Mario Bros:also a great game, the movie is good, have a nice story line
    Minecraft:literally being called the greatest game of all time, have billions people playing it, "the movie just ruin it"

  7. I I personally believe that there should be multiple Minecraft cinematic universe this month should be like for children and the other one should be for adults and the ogs should we wear lore and other stuff that should be only for the specimen of ogs

  8. Bro if they only did a movie with all the updates with year and changes with realistic graphic showing the old and new it would have been a hit but they had to go out of there wayto create a abomination

  9. Hollywood, Warber Brothers, if you see this on behalf of your image and huge chance to make bank off of this game you have to scrap everything and restart from the ground up. Make it all animated and if you want some live action do what the lego movie did. Make the story progress how a server of mineowould between a normal person and their friends. If you want some more interesting things to happen in your Minecraft world add some features from Minecraft dungeons, story mode, and legends. Abd change the dumb ass plot to something better because a rehash of Jumanji os something nobody needs.


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