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#minecraftmemes #minecraft #mojang
4:43 why did you tell me this existed
I can say that java is better becuase I play both
6:46 a big blind man who think you smell funny lolololol
Where is the QuakePro is not enough gang
Everyone: we measure things with kilometers
Minecraft: we measure with nether
Only true og's remember that you could but random colors of wool and would always get the color red
I remember when i started a hardcore world and was building my house i got attaacked by 4 creepers. 1rst creeper blew up my house. 2nd one almost killed me and also blew up my house. 3rd one blew up my house AGAIN. 4rth one killed me. they all snuck up on me 🙁
Bedrock is the. Hardest version i have sped run it died in the end
Pause at 10:06 and look at the playground. Anybody see that kid falling on the bottom left of screen…?
herobrine:haha i've killed you now your uhh
me:did ya really think i was going all out?
me:well i wasn't summons my 9999 pet dragons,my army of monsters,my 1 dog and equips myself with the most op modded armor and swords
herobrine:is that all you've got?
me:i also set my spawn point here and summons the jojo stand called killer queen all my pets and army members respawn right where they died
herobrine:ok bring it
me: sends my hoard of allies towards herobrine
evil hackers: joins hehe are you ready to be hac- sees the battle
evil hackers: leaves
my server:so anyway i started being stripped down too the bedrock layer
16:17 why would the allay be a falcon that has nothing to do with what the allay does
Warden can kill someone with two hits I can do that with one hit XD
Everyone: Minecraft Xbox 360 addition. Me: are you sure about that?
4:43 (pause) WiiU edition: There is another.
5:47 give me a link to one I don’t have once 🙁
0:32 you forgot the console edition
4:38 oh
fun fact: textures packs can do what optifine does best
imagine needing mods to have sides on grass xdd!
5:46 me who plays on bedrock and has a texture pack to make full grass blocks: confused unga bunga
pocket edition, bedrock edition, and xbox 360 edition are the same (and the other versions except for java story mode and dungeons)
1:30 however the sword does more damage per second
emralds are good for:
an eermerald wall
Emerald grave stone
Mojang keeps adding op mobs
Warden does as much damage as the WITHER
and ravagers
0:34 mine craft PE players realizing that they are so bad they cant be even recognized in the meme
"YoU sHoUlD gEt JaVa ItS mUcH bEtTeR tHaN bEdRoCk!111!!!"
Me who grew up with bedrock: No, I don't think I will.
14:29 cryaotic vs dream
17:00 this meme is false because notch himself says minecraft is an infiniminer ripoff
me with a stony boi
minecraft pros:WTH BRO
19:57 waterlog all your chests they cant blow up waterlogged chests
Bedrock wither: I ruined 51 hardcore worlds
Bedrock players: is it possible to play it…?
hol up that roblox meme is a D E A T H of a player
this is why they make perfect money
creepers are one of the very few things that makes the culture of minecraft unique from everything, a creature with absolutely no basis in reality.
2018 me: i like blue pill
0:45 relatable
2:25 hardcore in bedorck what?!
2:34 ah yes there's definitely hardcore on bedrock
I play rip offs because my parents don't wanna buy me Minecraft, they say it's a waste of time, they bought me it when I was younger but that computer broke so now I have to play rip offs that are similar because I like Minecraft🤧
So I'm writing this comment before fighting the Whither on Bedrock to prove it's not hard to kill!
Edit: I'm so stupid
Me trying to find a bed to sleep in while in the middle of nowhere while getting attacked by phantoms:
♪( ´θ`)ノ
Fun fact:
Wandering traders aren't useless.
1. They can sell you buckets of tropical fish, which can be used to breed Axolotls.
2. At night time, if a zombie chases the wandering trader, it will attempt to use it's potion of invisibility. Kill it quickly, and it can drop the potion.
My ass has a pimple on it but you have made my day way better lol
4:39 i acctually play it
Id just like to say, they also forgot about xbox 1 edition 4:37
3:09 I got a brand new box on my desk don't plan on opening it either
Oh lol this is crazy