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Another very requested meme video from polls: Minecraft. I tried to find the best and original ones. All the memes were found at r/minecraftmemes. I hope you will enjoy this content, if you do, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe!
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#minecraftmemes #minecraft
Parents : tell us how hard was life in the past
Us : tell our kids that we had a hard time during 2020 and everyone plays minecraft
That first meme
I saw a farm ad before this video I'm serious
Wdym upside down???
I actually know all the potion recipies
Hmm I always kill my dog
The thing where everyone has java and you have bedrock, is sooo true
Hmmmm the scary house
5:34 "stabs a zombie with a zombie"
8:30 you can get a emerald out of a fox’s mouth by giving it food idiot
OMG you even censor "kill"??
My god, there are a lot of words that aren't foul that you had censored unnecessarily
Oh my Minecraft farms is me putting around 80 pigs into a small pen and watching them. Also sticking cats and wolfs together and angering the dogs so they kill the cats
7:14 I think there might actually be more kids playing fornite than playing minecraft though that might be only proportional to the total amount of people playing it or even just false
You can play hypixel bedwars and skywars in bedrock in nethergames
1:26 so damn true
0:07 lol so true
Yes I think I am that old
Me thinking I'm the genius of minecraft
(the arrow) enchantment language
Watch this if minecraft veteran https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Building a Wither Skull Farm because I need Skulls: poor
Building a Wither Skull Farm because I need coal and bones: rich
I found pink sheep in minecraft old version
The sahadow is made of tiny squares.
8:37 Actually you can give sweet berries or chicken in exchange.
Jesus: I created the world
Notch: Me too
Jesus: I will summon animals
Notch: Me too
Some f*ckin dumb*sses: TeRrArIa Is MiNeCrAfT cOpY!11!!1
Terraria veterans: LET ME K*LL THAT DUMB*SS!!!
Me: MineCraft and Terraria is the best pixel games. and they both cool.
NOTE: I love Terraria more than MineCraft.
can we start terraria memes too? PLS!
Terraria and MineCraft is BFF!
Me:(fights something really strong in minecraft)
One one my 1000 dogs: (dies)
Me: お前はもう死んでいる
8:30 you could give it food or I’d just let it go if I don’t have any because emeralds aren’t that useful
Every other mob: You shot me with a arrow! You darn skeleton! This means war!!
Piglins and slimes: Its ok bro.
Since i couldn't celebrate Dont Die December on mc hardcore, im gonna try Dont Die January
Pepe the frog
Also Farm in terraria:
I legit can’t believe that I remember the Loading Terrain screen and I’m only 10…