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Nice video as always
im stilll learning so its relatable
The 🌎 pandemic (lockdown) has taught so many people the importance of having multiple streams of income because I've been earning $23,940 returns from my $3,000 investment every 7 day ,unfortunately having a job doesn’t seem to guarantee total financial stability rather having a different investment would be best to recover from this global inflation and stay afloat.
I have minecraft story mode… Ah such fond memories, and the music always filled me with this weird feeling that's somewhere between nostalgic sadness and relaxed. Unfortunately I can't play it anymore. I played it on my old iPad 2 which is now about 10 years old and refuses to charge, and as a student I lack the funds (and will to spend almost all of my money) to buy an apple product.
26:17 ironic
red side
It’s Tuesday my dudes
I hate how people say that certain games are for kids like OK I don't care y'all really thought i was gonna be like "oh I'm sorry I'm so not cool and I totally care about that and for your liking I'll delete it so I can lose my diamonds and netherite"
I am going with the creeper
0:46 what on earth is MC legends!?
I'm sorry but the Persian cat is so ugly,all of them are cute except it
Why does the TTS censor the word black?
4:16 i dont get it
15:06 i didnt actually know she was a furry i dont mind still banger music
Bro,can you maybe do s'more videos on Minecraft and among us and robots?It would be very cool if you did!
Sry,I ❤ puns
1:08 needs to say Microsoft cause mine coins where THERE idea!
0:38 seriously. YOU CENSORED IDIOTS
Can someone tell me why downloading Minecraft for free is bad?
MC player: Looks at Enderman.
Enderman: … and I took that personally.
7:15 personally i profer revenge but i can see why someone other than me profers the creaper rap i respect your opinion and your right to be incorrect
19:40 skill issue lol