The fun thing is that you can actually heae english words in villager's voice makes me go crazy
(For those who don't hear it, i could understand the first line: – Hey what the f word are you doing here? Ah! You stupid …) (Couldn't understand the other words, may you do it)
Looks like Adventure time intro
It's funny🤣🤣
bro prevent caseoh but zombie walkinh
Villager : hey what the ☠️☠️☠️☠️ are you doing
Got me jump from the third floor 💀
bro why the TNT DUSENT blew up eney block💀
Me waiting for someone to say "tHiS iS sO fAkE!1!1!1!1!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"
The villager bro what the fuck are you doing 😂😂
I think that villager said the b word😅😅
Only a Minecraft meme😐
Just a Minecraft meme😐
Did someone see the xp? 😭
Look ex
Wat xp😂🤯
Why theres a desert village at the cold biome?
The fun thing is that you can actually heae english words in villager's voice makes me go crazy
(For those who don't hear it, i could understand the first line:
– Hey what the f word are you doing here?
Ah! You stupid …)
(Couldn't understand the other words, may you do it)
Villager:what the f*ck are you doing?!💀
If fake: 😀
If real:life could be dream💀
His channel was made by doing clutch butvhe left 😢😢
That one end portal on the surface is crazyy
1 level=1 minute playing minecraft.
Daquavis level=696969697 minutes playing minecraft.
Your level?
"phey!! Phat phe phuk phare phu phoing phan?"
When you find the place structure command
Run away from zombies ❌️
He tries to blow up TNT ❌️
All Minecraft worlds in one second ✅️
People who saw the giant zombie
That one minecraft seed
Bro got a End Portal out of now where💀
I am not telling anything about the villager💀
Sete coisas estranhas aconteceram aí
Türkiye 🇹🇷 ❤
Pasa la seed
What mods am I missing
Wtf are u doing 🗣️🗣️🗣️
The ZOMBIE is doing the griddy
In the air💀💀☠️
Is anyone going to talk about how the mountain looks like a monster
Bro has 696969697 xp >:(
Por q el perro no tiene armadura de diamante