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Minecraft Manhunt, But You Can Combine Anything…
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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt
Maybe if clowns read encyclopedias, which we know they don’t… wait. This isn’t the time to over analyze. This is time to run!
Thank you for using brightness bro.
Make one where you can breed anything and combine it with this one
What's the seed
This is entertaining.
can you maybe link the fullbright download somewhere i get notified? thanks 🙂
Day 159 of asking for another Q&A
200 Random Questions (If you have any other questions, write them here plz. I'm running low on questions)
1. Favorite animal
2. Favorite color
3. Favorite breakfast
4. Which countries have you been to
5. When you have done a face reveal, are you planning to have face cam
6. Favorite movie/series/show
7. Do you have any party tricks
8. Which languages do you speak
9. Do you have any siblings
10. Any freetime activities
11. Can you solve a rubix cube
12. Favorite holiday
13. Favorite season
14. Do you have any tattoos
15. Can you drive a car
16. Have you ever had a sleepover together
17. Do you buy presents for each other at your birthdays and christmas
18. Favorite snack/candy
19. DEV – Would you rather eating just icecream for a whole week or let KIER decide everything you do for a whole week
20. Who swears the most
21. Who is better at drawing
22. Who has better handwriting
23. Have you met BOOSFER, YELLOWOOL… irl or seen what they look like.
24. Do you have any allergies
25. What type of students are you? (quiet, loud, smart…)
26. Nicest thing you have ever done for each other
27. Can you try to do another accent
28. Do you have any irl friends
29. Do you have a beard
30. Which color-crew member is the best at building
31. Can you try to have a little discussion in French
32. What kind of clothes do you wear
33. Did DEV actually train ballet before (RAMBLECRAFT – Episode 1)
34. Why do you scream like girls, especially DEV.
35. Do you have/had anything like a teddy bear or something that you were so afraid to lose and you couldn't live without
36. If you could have any job but making youtube videos, what would it be
37. Favorite word or a word you often use
38. Do you like reading
39. Scariest thing that have ever happened to you
40. First ever celebrity crush
41. Have you ever had a crush on someone
42. Do you have any fears
43. Are you positive or negative people
44. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you
45. Do you like avocado toast (Try it if you haven't)
46. Best minecraft biom
47. Stupidest thing you've ever done
48. Something you don't like about each other
49. Something you like to do in your free time
50. When you have done a face reveal, can you do a cooking stream with maid outfits PLZ
51. Have you ever gone skiing, snowboarding or downhill skiing/slalom?
52. Have you ever broken a bone or something?
53. Favorite restaurant/cafe
54. Have you ever stolen something
55. If you could have any superpower, what would it be
56. Have you ever got covid
57. Plz do a minecraft manhunt but we are in VR with FACECAM. (When you have done a face reveal) That would be so funny.
58. Which type of movies do you like? (Action, sad, funny, scary…)
59. Favorite song.
60. Do you have any secrets (Don't have to answer.)
61. Have you ever realized that they got your names wrong in MCCr.
62. Why does your voices sound so similar? (In the start of watching your videos)
63. KIER – Can you PLZ post a picture of your setup soon, it's been a year since you said you would do it and then a person in the chat asked you if you could do it soon and you said “soon, gotta clean my room first”
64. Why do you eat food in so many of your videos?
65. When you´ve done a face reveal, can you make a video “Trying Norwegian candy/snacks” (with BOOSFER).
66. Why do you shorten your words so much? (Oche, Dolf, di, furni, endies…)
67. Can you make a video on how to speak your secret language
68. Have you ever talked to a girl in your whole life
69. Favorite planet
70. Coolest thing you own
71. Have you ever bought a really stupid thing for a lot of money
72. Do you have family in your house when you record your videos? Does your family hear you scream and yell when you record?
73. What video did you get the most angry in
74. Why are you so bad at bedwars, like make a bigger bed defense.
75. Do you panic easily, like if someone´s for example chasing you.
76. Favorite emoji
77. Coca Cola or Pepsi
78. Is soya sauce a part of sushi
79. One thing you were proud of
80. Pizza or Taco
81. Are you creative
82. Favorite minecraft mob
83. What was your best birthday ever
84. Do you have a goal for the future
85. Three words that describes you
86. Something you hate about your country
87. Something you love about your country
88. Say to BOOSFER, “Hallo Boosfer, kan vi være sammen jeg hater nei jeg mener elsker deg”
89. Who do you like the most, your mom or your dad
90. How is the weather now eh
91. Can you try to do your best girl voice
92. When was the first time you lost a tooth
93. Do you shower with hot or cold water
94. Who is the most sus of you two? (I think DEV)
95. When you´ve done a face reveal, do you have any plans for videos like vlogs and stuff
96. What is your most embarrassing moment
97. Favorite dinosaur
98. Who’s keyboard is the noisiest
99. Who's your idol
100. Favorite minecraft structure
101. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be
102. What is your weirdest laugh
103. Who´s a better cook
104. Who has the weirdest laughs of you two.
105. Do you watch any sports
106. Favorite number
107. Favorite type of salt
108. Who forgets things the most
109. When do you normally go to bed
110. Are you good at reacting to stuff, like if someone is giving you something
111. Do you have trust issues
112. Have you ever played volleyball
113. Alcohol or no alcohol
114. What is your least favorite song
115. Do you have a cabin
116. If you could travel by boat all around the world just to see a whale, would you do it
117. Which whale is the best
118. Would you rather die in 3 days or see a whale die
119. Do you have a competitive instinct
120. Who were your childhood youtubers
121. Are you like full canadian or are you like half canadian and half something else
122. What is your favorite type of weather
123. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel or just a country you really wants to travel to
124. KIER – would you kill a whale to save DEV
125. Same question to DEV
126. Which one out of you two is the leader and which one is the follower
127. Can you make a video were you react to your first ever video
128. Can you try to play a horror game
129. If you two could have a baby together, what would her/his name be 😏
130. What is the weirdest thing someone has ever called you
131. What is your best pickup line
132. Do you remember your worst nightmare
133. Are you still gonna do minecraft manhunts when you’ve done a face reveal
134. How long is your hair
136. What was your favorite year and why?
137. Can you show us something you made that you were proud of
138. Do you have a kazoo
139. What is your weirdest/coolest noise
140. Which color is thursday
141. Do you have good or bad memory
142. Feet pics (whatupimsam’s question)
143. How long is your d*ck (also whatupimsam’s question)
144. Are you lazy
145. What is your favorite type of book (facts, history, adventure, romantic…)
146. Favorite childhood movie
147. Favorite childhood memory
148. Favorite app
149. Thick or thin pancakes
150. What is your favorite celebrity
151. Favorite month
152. Favorite band
153. Play skribbl.io with the color crew
154. Do you like maple syrup
155. Sweet, spicy or salty
156. Do you watch/read news
157. When you’ve done a face reveal, can you make a skydiving vlog, if you want to
158. Since KIER don’t like his straight hair and DEV doesn't like his curly hair, can you try to switch hairs (KIER curls his hair and DEV straights his hair) for a video or something
159. Best egg
160. Favorite subject
161. Least favorite subject
162. Have you ever seen the northern lights (Aurora Borealis)
163. Best cheese
164. Favorite vegetable
165. Favorite fruit
166. Do you like noodles
167. What is the best type of food (Asian food, American food, Italian food…)
168. Best cake flavor
169. What is something that really annoys you
170. How do you prefer to travel
171. Can you show a drawing or something you made and were proud of
172. If there were no consequences, would you push a little kid
173. Do you think it’s weird to hear your own voice in your videos
174. Do you like your viewers
175. Are you an introvert or an extrovert
176. Can you swim/are you a good swimmer
177. Weirdest dream
178. Do you have a collection of something
179. Have you ever worn a dress
180. Which one of the color crew do you think would be the best parent
181. Which one of the color crew do you think would be the worst parent
182. KIER – Do you like onions
183. Have you ever had braces
184. Do you prefer to buy food or make food
185. Do you have a long neck
186. Do you have a clean or messy room
187. How often do you clean house
188. What is your girl name
189. Would you ever travel to BOOSFER’s house without him knowing, and just make a vlog there. (When you’ve done a face reveal tho)
190. Are you still gonna do minecraft content after you’ve done a face reveal
191. Have you ever hold hands
192. What is the most stupid thing you’ve ever worn
193. How do you peel an orange
194. Orange or banana
195. What is the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten
196. Which flavored noodles is the best
197. DEV – How many times have you been sick in your life
198. What is the best prank you have ever done on someone
199. Who is the most evil out of you two
200. How well do you know each other
Kier dies to the tron boots
Make a third one
I feel so accomplished that I made devs skin
Full bright is usually not considered cheating, as you can get basically the same effect by changing your settings file.
yes you made it!
Pls make this mod available to the public!!!
Guys i need this twist
we need a rematch
How can i use this mod?
Your old intro bro only the real ones know
The fact they didn’t get the secret chest i the beginning 💀
what is the name of this modpack I wanna try these with my friends
Can u please do a manhunt in the April 1st update?
Where can we get the mod fellas?!
I've got a twist. Here is some sample code in Java for a Minecraft mod that will teleport the player to a random position whenever they crouch:
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.InputEvent;
import java.util.Random;
public class CrouchTeleport {
public void onKeyInput(InputEvent.KeyInputEvent event) {
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
EntityPlayer player = mc.player;
if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.isKeyDown()) { // check if crouch key is down
// teleport player to random position
Random rand = new Random();
int x = player.getPosition().getX() + rand.nextInt(10) – 5;
int y = player.getPosition().getY();
int z = player.getPosition().getZ() + rand.nextInt(10) – 5;
BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
player.setPosition(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
This code uses the Forge API to listen for keyboard events and detect when the crouch key is pressed. When the crouch key is down, it teleports the player to a random block position within a 10-block radius of their current position. To use this code in Minecraft, you'll need to create a mod and register the `CrouchTeleport` class as an event handler.
I honestly wish that this mod was public
I'm honestly sad that the devs didn't use it in the Ai Warp, so honestly it makes me super happy to see them use it in a separate video
I need the MOD
I think you forgot the hidden chest, just flick the 1st and 3rd levers, flick them back again and a hole is opened somewhere
I need this mod
I want to try the mod!!!!
You coud do mc manhunt with your won twists that you write down in 5min but the twists are randomized so the person who wrote down the twist doesn't necessarily get that twist
does anyone know where i can get this mod/datapack so i can try it?
i'd pay for this plugin
i wouldnt i just want it really badly LOL
you should make this public mod, it would be insane
A simple cool and funny twist. Thats how i like it to be boys
I hope Fulbright stays on. It's not fun watching just black screen
Part 2 absolutely needed.
Rematch! lol
How do make the editing table code and how to put it
tell me please
Where can you access those mods?