Minecraft Manhunt, But The Twist Is Secret

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Minecraft Manhunt, But The Twist Is Secret, This was so funny!

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In this video my friends Fantst Bubbo and YelloWool try to hunt me down and stop me from beating Minecraft, But My hunters SECRETLY added a twist that I didn’t know about, this almost made me rage quit so watch to the end to see how that plays out. This was super intense and really funny.

this is minecraft speedrunner vs hunter aka minecraft manhunt but theres a twist, it’s not modded. My hunters had a custom op plugin that gave them op mob powers. this is minecraft manhunt challenge popularized by dream, this is not a minecraft but challenge or a minecraft smp video. this is inspired by creators like bubbo, boosfer, yellowool, kier and dev, dream, and wilbur soot

Edited by https://twitter.com/SquareAppleMC

#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt #Baablu


30 thoughts on “Minecraft Manhunt, But The Twist Is Secret”

  1. First of all I'd like to point out that at 10:17 you begin to accuse them of cheating even though moments before our most annoyingly lovable hunter announced the deep dark. Did you think diamonds being found around -55ish was irregular or was that just a content creation reaction?

  2. this is somewhat frustrating… the fact that he found out about the twist and how you can get the twist but refused to fully utilize it to his own advantage, and dont even dare say he didnt have time because he did, he had alot of time to explore its possibilities but chose to neglect doing so and kept complaining how its not fair it is etc.


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