Minecraft Manhunt, But If They Guess The Twist They Win

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Minecraft Manhunt, But If They Guess The Twist They Win

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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt

(Video edited by Vitjok)


40 thoughts on “Minecraft Manhunt, But If They Guess The Twist They Win”

  1. i thought the video title was {Minecraft Manhunt but ~
    anyways i thought it would be like this. whatever they say like if they say that boosfer has the op tools mod then that will be his twist. its like the hunters pick his twist without the hunters knowing

  2. 💝💎💌🔥❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖💓💟💝🎁🧡💚💜💓💍💎🌎🔥 God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead He'll give you eternal life

    (Look up at the sky and ask God)

  3. To believe in Jesus, because: 1) He is the only One who emptied himself, to be a servant of all. 2) He is the only One who came to the earth and took an initiative to make a relationship with people. 3) He is the only One who died, rose again, and ascended to heaven. 4) He is the only One who dedicated all his life to live for God. 5) He is the only One who sent us to be the witness, to tell the world about His story. 6) He is the only One who claimed God as the Father. 7) He is the only One who has brought the messages about unchanging faith, hope, and love.


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