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Minecraft Manhunt, But I Torture My Hunter Rematch…
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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt
Kier Death Counter: 8
3:37 – Zombies
4:51 – Advancement Explosion (Stone age )
5:11 – Advancement Explosion (Getting an upgrade)
6:15 – Advancement Explosion (Aquire Hardware)
10:47 – Lava Lake (Fell through fake blocks)
15:04 – Advancement explosion (Cover me with diamonds)
17:09 – Instant Damage
18:05 – End crystal Explosion
the best
happy 1 mill
video idea, minecraft manhunt but eggs drop op loot
I think Boosfer and Yellowool have become the antagonists of the whole series
Best rematch EVER!!!
Minecraft Manhunt but you can turn into any blocks you've mined throughout the manhunt, and your stats are based off of the block your currently turned into.
Escalation is a bitch and you will soon learn it.
Average gamer life, can't touch grass
Minecraft, but you can sleep in the nether
Ive watched kier and dev for so long and still dont know which voice is who’s
Why does he have sonic music in the background
Dev is gonna get revenge on everyone now for that…
If Jeremy ever wins a challenge we know the crew helped him since he's part of the crew now.
Minecraft manhunt but everyone is a horror movie villain
i love watching someone suffer
Baby mode for Hypixel SB players
that was honestly worst than keirs torture manhunt
Kier’s next video: Minecraft manhunt, but I get creative gamemode
LMAO “I’m not going crazy!”
That ending was the best thing ever!
You deserve whatever fire revenge Kier throws at you.
This is a certified kier and dev classic
at least Kier's was logical, this is just cruel💀
When the speed runner asks the hunter for help: 17:33
"Yellow gave me all these things and I don't know how to use them"
8:36 kier's blood pressure literally off the screen
Best "Minecraft but" channel on YouTube
Just as good as the rest of your content. You never disappoint
Suggestion:Make a manhunt but everything is a whale. I think it would make a funny video
sad they cut off the part where kier exploded when he went through the nether portal cuz of the advancement we can see the portal isnt lit cuz it exploded
Bouncing off of this premise: Hunter vs Speedrunner, except they both get aided by an invisible player, but they're not allowed to kill.
i have a doubt while kier entering the nether he got an achivement but why didn't he blow up
So the twist is Minecraft but kier is forced to be a incel
Twist idea
Twist idea minecraft but there’s tipped weapons
how about minecraft manhunt but the speedrunner and hunter swap roles every minuite. you win by killing the dragon while being the speedrunner or killing the speedrunner as the hunter.
Who else wants 2v2 manhunt ??
This video backfired real fast
12:53 I agree with kier on this one, but SOME PEOPLE belive other wise
you two should haved teamed against boosfer and yellow and both beat the dragon
Dev I like your videos but I don't like torture videos. I mean you can use those twists in the manhunt but kier did not had any chance of winning so that's not so fun
Soo just saying
Violence breeds Violence
Do a manhunt but there 2 speedruners and 2 hunters