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Minecraft Manhunt, But Amethyst Is OP…
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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt
but the worm is a dance
16:31 wtf
16:25 water fauk
Idea: minecraft manhunt but I can mine bedrock
how is boosfer still not 300k
Why tf is the screen just black. The whole video. Idk how to fix it
Wish this was real and copper ore
11:11 love that “Oöa—“ then it cuts off 😂
minecraft but you are harry potter
These moans are just like my discord calls, except we only say "si papi"
I wanted to subscribe to your channel… But that one dude’s laugh is so annoying that I couldn’t do it:(
Ooh nice I've been away for two days and just saw this
So Minecraft but Boosfer's inverted color is OP
I have a good idea for your next twist it should be renaming an ore block to a different ore block (like renaming a block of coal to a block of diamonds) gives you the block you named it
“Minecraft Manhunt, but I’m a worm”
Thank you for uploading a loss. It's a nice change of pace.
you are really running out of ideas this is so fucking random
I'm giving you the highest honor I can. Eating my food while I watch your video
That amethyst geiode on the end portal was probably the most ironic thing I've seen in ml.
U_U 👁_👁
Ngl, I'm actually kinda happy that Boostfer lost,
Just after all the times where the hunters suffered so harshly in all those manhunts desperate for revenge.
After all gg
wheres the fun in this though?
you know something overpowered and they don't. by the time you tell them the twist, the game is nearly over. where's the fun? its just an easy win for you.
Usually, I get bored at end fights, but this one was EPIC
Minecraft Manhunt, But Tracker Is Trapped.
im before 200 k kod
Fake vids like dream
How about minecraft manhunt but bows are op like aim bot or something if you combine a bow with a target block
“Minecraft Manhunt,but Alt F4 drops OP loot
Minecraft Manhunt, But Glowberries give OP effects
Here's my idea okay, so add a plugin like a certain armour and you wear it but the armour actually does nothing and it has no power ups. How you can do this is that you can make the armour and a weapon of that ore or whatever and in only one of the sword or pickaxe can do something so do it in front of them so they will think to get that too but then what you could do is make diamond armour the same as that armour and tell them to install the texture pack. So basically, make a new ore but it's weaker than diamond and retexture the diamond armour to look like it is like that new ore so they will think thats the twist 😃👍
Kier is susu
Minecraft manhunt but hunters make the plugin
Noone expected bur ing diamonds for amethist 😂😂
Can u make a vid that they cant craft or do the twist plssss your so cool if u do this
Yellow wool is op
After watching this video. I can proudly say that I am never watching booster without headphones
minecraft manhunt but op loot drops when iron+ weapons break?
You should do Minecraft manhunt but I can freeze time.
Make a manhunt but u can controll gravity, that would be sopoo cool.
how fitting, that for a vid about amethyst the end portal is half in a geode
Ey dude, what if
Manhunt, but the achievements are scrambled/mixed
alt title minecraft but the hunter know the twist