Minecraft logic lol… February 22, 2021 by Cives Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg Thanks for watching! #shorts #minecraft #skeleton source
Always interesting to see how people question minecraft like it's depicting our actual world and then ignore the existence of monsters like enderman or creepers cuz that's something you definitely see every day Reply
Someone make a mod to fix that!
Copying videos?
Steeeve have already present it …
I’m pretty sure u stole this ngl
Best kind of logic
Ehh thats just normal minecraft day for me since i play it from day its released
Don't judge a game because you can't make any best game
the sun has no functions xd
Bruh, wdym logic? Trees float in this game
the game has no logic 😂
Im just glad no one asked me to not bring them down
Bro this fps is crazy
If u program it to be real physic shadow i ll pay u 100$
Minecraft is not realistic get over it
lol what the…….
This is seem legit
My gf: he is probably thinking about other girls
My head:
lol its my video you copied https://youtu.be/xXbxmNagjfo
Some random guy stealing it from MegaManny
Even worse on shaders
Mc is logicless
There allergic to the sky
I don't think I give a fuck
Stairs letting light through adds to this
Always interesting to see how people question minecraft like it's depicting our actual world and then ignore the existence of monsters like enderman or creepers cuz that's something you definitely see every day
We are all know.. Minecraft world the sun is only always at top 😂😂😂
There’s something called REFLECTION
When you have a Problem with that, don't play it!
But thats the reason why i love Minecraft
Plot twist: it was a disguised wither skeleton
You're not very bright are ya 😅
Mega Manny' video was better
it's funnier with shaders.