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Minecraft Logic #2 #Minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #MinecraftTricks #minecraftlogic #minecraftmemes
WTH F*** 🤣
The Anvil is a entity and the rod is a block a entity cannot go inside of a block
ستمينيهحصتسحسعسحساسخوص٨صاثخصاي٨تيهينيغ ليه مافي خظسمسنيك😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Theres a lot of minecraft games lokicraft kawaiiworld kawaii craft i play it
Этот Я хочу тебя спросить а как ты играешь в Minecraft пожалуйста я хотел уже давно попасть в Minecraft в игру Minecraft но я не могу играть в Minecraft
That's not minecraft I sont think
لله الحمد
Guys its minecraft not a real life…
Will it penetrate the duck watch and find out
Anddd…. The side ways PP made it in!!!
Me: what?
It kinda makes sense, it slipped perhaps
One Is More high that other, so the hitbox not bug
Anvil in left: Not full block am out
Darwin to the nerd plsssss
Как логает
Mojang : ah it's ok no one will notice
Minecraft suckss
I mean it is from the end
*confusion *
plot twist: the pointy one is balance so it can balance not the same for the other one tho so there yo have it btwfalls off
Holy thats a thicc outline
May nguoi nay LA nguoi nuoc ngoai ha
Я. Уже. Это знаю
Actully it makes seense its side ways the anvil will fall off
I think that rod is on steroids