Minecraft Live Will Show TWO Updates & New Cape

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook. Also Minecraft for smart fridge of course.

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38 thoughts on “Minecraft Live Will Show TWO Updates & New Cape”

  1. Ultimate Guides could be called “Did You Know That in Minecraft…” I’m assuming that title helps clicks bc I see similar names in a bunch of popular shorts. Yours would be the best with that title format

  2. It’s crazy to me that people don’t go that far in the end or they rarely do because I’m usually in the end and getting wings before 100 days into the world, now I’m not defeating the Ender dragon. I bypass her by just getting 1000+ blocks usually netherack, then I just build a long bridge from the mainland to the far islands and I look for wings, put the wings in an end chest jump off a cliff respawn in my base and then I have my wings in my ender chest 😎😎 ggez

  3. v all hope it would be an end update. v all were waiting for this momem!. but what if it is some new unwanted overworld update and not an end update?. i dont wanna be negative at this point but still there's a probability the it will not be an end update…
    what will u do then?

  4. Ultimate guide idea: make it a "how to" challenge tutorial? Beacon might be ancient but last time I saw one was in a TU world on PS3.
    Giving people a project on how to survival build one and showing some next video might be fun ?

    Basically how superflat and caveman worked anyway.

  5. Isn't Minecraft Bedrock VR still supported on Windows 10/11 through Mixed Reality or Oculus? The update only talked about PlayStation VR, specifically the PS VR 1for PS4, being discontinued.

  6. Maybe a highlights of the "Teaching mechanics series" on vertical shorts format will be a good idea.
    I personally don't watch cause I think I already know that but I share them when a friend doesn't know something and I don't want to teach them 😅😅


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