Minecraft Is Changing THIS, and people aren't happy

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Edited by: DanTDM


39 thoughts on “Minecraft Is Changing THIS, and people aren't happy”

  1. my opinions on this change 1. what about worlds with a border on a not the best server hosting plan, what then? 2. NO MORE EASY CURSE OF BINDING PUMPKIN WAAAAA 3. Wandering traders are useful for superflat worlds in order to get new stuff, and the fact that they sell saplings is also nice if its a particular kind that you need for a build

  2. I’m just gonna go back versions to get books ngl it’s really not helpful I don’t like it I understand about the adventure but like breeding villager in other biomes can be such and issue like the jungle in the my hardcore world the nearest jungle is over 1000 block away or if they add it so you put leads on villagers it won’t be hard but Idk about you but I don’t like this update at all it dosent make it harder it makes it more annoying and time consuming

  3. I feel if they had either easy ways of transporting villagers, Id be fine, but the fact you need to find a god damn swamp and then move the villagers to said swamp just for mending? Id rather afk fish

  4. I know that a lot of people like this change and say that it encourages exploration, but I would like to argue that it actually forces exploration by essentially in-game region locking items and requiring the player to perform tedious multi step processes in order to obtain said items. I know that many players like the added difficulty, but I would like to call those people’s attention to the kids and casual players, myself included, that don’t want to go on a search for El Dorado every time they want a specific enchantment. If Mojang made it so that you had to trade a specific item for the enchanted books or had another renewable and simple to move way to get them, then maybe I would like this feature, but I think it takes the fun out of it if too many features are only available if you put in a huge time investment doing something, like exploring, that may not be why you like the game. Sorry for my rant, but Minecraft is supposed to be a game where you can do whatever you want, and that goal is hurt by making things largely unobtainable by many players.

  5. personally, i dont like the villager update much since i dislike explorations, going too far out and getting lost (hate that). + not much of a fan of the only enchantments i need are in the biomes that, u said, doesnt spawn villages and having to build one urself sooo yea idk🤷

  6. you can use the nether as a way to travel to the different villages because it’s faster than in the over world and you can put signs saying what village is in this direction and what they trade

  7. I’m unhappy about the change with librarians because the jungle biome for unbreaking is a very annoying biome to find due to the rarity of it but the swamp is fine I guess. Otherwise I love the need for exploration to get certain books and encourages to actually have to fully trade with them. It also makes it so you can’t just sit for 3 hours re rolling for a mending book for 12 emeralds in a villager farm

  8. No the reason I’m mad about this change is that there are two village types that don’t exist yet if they make this change they need to add swamp and jungle villages.

  9. I really really love how Minecraft understands that the game hasn’t gotten way easier and now they are trying to make the game hard so we don’t get bored of it. I don’t mind these updates at all!


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