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Minecraft snapshot day? No. Minecraft next update sneak peak day? Though it doesnt have as nice of a ring to it, yes. In todays video we are diving into whats coming to Minecraft next, so far!
📰 worldgen q&a https://wiki.bedrock.dev/meta/world-gen-qna.html#plans-regarding-locator-maps
▶️ more on the mob updates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLC-yIWw4f4&t=1s
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0:00 minecraft snapshots are done
0:21 last year now
0:58 elytra updates
2:00 remember
2:27 sneaking
3:11 theres a lot
3:23 falling
4:39 flying
5:47 sinking
6:30 important
6:45 zombie piglin farms
10:02 pathfinding
11:04 thorns
12:00 cool seeds gone
Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.22 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrfrK_gGDvSKXEOJIpk6NYOo
if you read this comment “new”
are gold farms too overpowered or is the mechanic fine as is, seeing as how dangerous those zombie pigs are
I wish that they could allow the Nether mobs to spawn in the overworld (via a portal block), and don't make them transform into another entity. Yes, I know that we can have the zombified piglins, but I'd like to see piglins as well and even sometimes the occasional blaze, wither skeleton and ghast (maybe some type of siege similar to the patrols… they could come out once every XYZ days and attack you if you are nearby). That would allow us to possibly make small bartering stations in the overworld, get blaze rods in the overworld, etc. Or, they could even make a new mob entirely… a wandering Nether trader that will trade you limited resources that are solely available in the nether, for a premium price (anywhere from 16 to 64 emeralds). I know, its not related to the gold farm nerf issues, but it could be something they could implement to "neglect" some of the issues we are going to have from that move. The Wandering Nether Trader could spawn every 2 minecraft days with higher trade limits than a regular trader, or something…
Will bedrock mob spawners be buffed by the Java spawning mechanics?
I do think there has to be some sort of exit provided in those broken end seeds, for the sake of hardcore players if nothing else. Otherwise the world is pretty much dead.
I don't mind gold farms getting a nerf and this change was planned to be fixed in 1.16
Way does Mojang want to change the best gold farm in Minecraft history
Why can't they just let bedrock players build on the nether roof and leave it alone!
Wait does Gold farms still work on Bedrock 🤔
Why does your avatar still have a mask? It's been 5 years since covid.
Mojang probably thinks, how dare they have fun playing our game and find efficient ways to progress their worlds. Let’s change the game mechanics
I’d think the faster sneaking going diagonally is because of the Pythagorean theorem but it could be something else
Good, gold farms are OP to the point where they basically trivialise the game nerf them iron farms to and then maybe CERTAIN PEOPLE will actually play the game again
1 bedrock can't build on the nether roof 2 there's no entity craming
Water is non-Newtonian when you hit it as speed… i.e. you go splat
bugrock bugrock
With the amount of effort that these farms take, gold farms shouldn't be nerfed at all, theyre so much effort to resource gather and build and the output is very proportional to the effort
Imho, it's a sandbox game, so materials Should be easy to acquire.🤔
That boat thing happens rly well in bedrock. I tried making a boat hwy and make it go up and yea boat flew like 10 blocks in the air n just floated there. With the occasional weird dmg😅
4:40 that is actually JUMPING, not FLYING!
I feel like the farm nerf is justified, but I don't agree on outright removing it. Most people make mob grinders cause EXP is just a slog to get, and most other farms get made because the actual task required to get them "legitimately" is not very efficient or not very fun. Like getting black ink for dyeing or book & quills. Its just annoying to accumulate large amounts of it. Its not hard to get it legitimately, its just more annoying, so i think it should stick around, just tuned down a bit.
I do wish the farms weren't needed and were replaced with actual options and mechanics to get the resources instead, but unless those are coming soon, i doubt this will go over well. Give us an alchemy table to convert stuff into other resources for a fee then maybe I'll look the other way, but right now this doesn't seem like a good idea.
I so look forwards to getting through the end spawn water cube with elytra rockets disabled in water now…
Poor Chicken
Another day another Wattles video LETS GO
Java needs native controller support.
I think it’s time you take that mask off you character it’s 2024 bro bro
I really like the swimmy elytra
Gold farms
Laughs/Cries in Bedrock edition 😅
I swear to god if I have to go find everything in my world again I’m gonna be so pissed
Let's face it. No matter how much they fix things there will always be some kind of rare glitched seed somewhere in the mc universe 😂
Wattles the creator of brick craft has died 😢
Mojang starting to f up parkour maps.
Oh I was worried the gold farms are gone. It's just those farm they use the minecart cramming and standing in the middle farms. I have drop chute, turtle egg aggro farms❤
Whoever though of saying "solving op pigmen farm" is just sad
Can you help me reach 300❤️🙏?
i think some people are misunderstanding the nerf. they are not removing gold farms, they are just removing the xp they give as a side effect.
didn't they try to remove the piglin thing already and got hit with INSANE backlash for it?
Why do people act like thorns making your armor take more damage is so bad? In normal gameplay you would still not break your armor if you put them on netherite with mending, i always have them on all my armor pices and never have i had any pice of armor break, even tho i play on hard difficulty
POV I just build a crazy gold farm a couple days ago 😭
5:48 this happened to me in a world and I literally escaped, saved the world, and deleted it immediately 😂😂😭🤣😭😭😭😭
You can still build very good gold farms. You will just have to do the killing to get xp as well as gold.
01:08 Talking from bedrock experience.. you don't want that removed. Trust me, It's awful. Once you touch water while flying in bedrock, you can't open the elytra again until you touch solid ground
It should be added to bedrock instead, it's really bad not having it (help)
Back to enderman farms for exp for me.
4:30 you should check out the video ‘The Minecraft boat drop mystery’ by Stand-up Maths, really great explanations about acceleration and falling in Minecraft
°💚🍒• HAPPY BIRTHDAY WATTLES! •🍒💚° May your special day be filled with lots of laughter & love. 🎉🎂🎁🍦🎊
Happy Birthday Wattles
What ya'll think of a black wood type/forest in the nether? Same properties as crimson and warped stem. It could have a fungus type, too, that gives wither resistance in a potion, but causes wither effect in the sus stew. Side note: Can we PLEASE have horizontal chains already?!?! How hard can it be?!?!
They nerfed my raid farm…if they nerf my gold farm which I put so much effort in building taking so much risk in hardcore while building the farm…I'm straight up quitting minecraft forever……I have other things to do and play this game for fun…if it's not fun anymore I'll quit…tbh the last few updates were not fun at all and I mean from 1.20 it was not fun anymore…I mean pink wood?? The ones people used texture packs to get easily even before…..ohh the pale garden??? Oh fuck a insta break hugely saturated resin block along with a again a retextured oak wood…wow…yeah the concept was nice with the creaking but oh they r too easy and they can't hurt u if u r 32 blocks away? Like why,?what's the point…ok so u wanted to have a spooky vibe u changed the biome color including the sky color but u kept hostile mobs intact along with the creaking…what's the point….as much as I'm concerned the game has nothing fun to offer anymore….if they take away what is actually fun(building farms over weeks of effort and then enjoying the result)being able to do stuff like this was the reason minecraft is loved so much as a sandbox game…cuz of the possibilities,the freedom to do anything…..I bet the longest world any mojang developer has had(if any) is not more than 1 update long….otherwise they would understand the consequences of their changes( for example adding elytra changed the game forever,even causing a huge player base loss for several years)this is the very reason why vanilla minecraft has almost become extinct and people prefer hugely modded versions….they r just killing the game without even realizing day by day…to any new player it might seem I'm ranting useless things but ig players will know what I'm saying……if it was originally a bug why take like 10 years to fix when the community had accepted it as a feature u suddenly get up one day and decide oh no we should fix this bug we have ignore for 10+ years