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Minecraft if it was played BACKWARDS…..the story of a Minecraft world that was played by starting at the end of the game…..
Voice Actors: Evbo, Jackswano
Actors: Evbo, Tabi382, @JoofyLooby
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Flight Hymn – Ross Bugden
Happy new year!! I hope you all enjoy this first story video of the 2022, I can't wait for all the videos I'm going to make this year!
Happy new year
That pig Is what techno blade would look like irl
maybe you should get someone to narrate….because you guys suck at it
That pig was technoblade when he was 100 times stronger and a pig not a pig human
what mod?
Yooooo they had full cheese armour
Eh- uh- what?
Someone should make this into a plugin!
I don't think u installed Minecraft i thing u installed ftarcenim
Wait what
What are those skins? The look really good! Your stories are very creatib too.
3:00 im so confused right now
Well again
Hmm I wonder what happened
Technovlade be like.
I’m cry-laughing rn lol
I wanted to say that pig was technoblade but then zombies kill it and we all know that techno never dies
I’m just gonna make this comment and hope I don’t get swarmed with bots
we need this as a data pack
This was sooo funny
The only video where anyone will wear gold armor
love your vids