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Inspired By TapL and Wisps Minecraft But Every Mob Is A Chest
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#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft
ho yes
Hey, can you start putting the mods in desc or in pinned if possible ? It could be really fun playing with it :))
Do iron iron goolem what nooooo ugh fine
Ooooohhhhh squid
You already said hourses but you saw a village now you said it again
An iglu look’s like an egg huh that’s why ya’know?
this looks like fun, what mod(s) are you using please?
Sup mcbriken
Infinity bone is sans
What's the mod called??
Pick pocket 100
the piglin didnt agro when u killed his buddy cuz piglins dont care if u get a piglin in one shot
15:21 piglins trading with dream be like:
how about the wither boss :<<
Do endermite
Fun fact: he didnt open the iron golem after saying
4:09 we just found woofs
Only mcbirken would get diamond blocks 4 minutes into the video!😃
im late but you forgot to open the silverfish chest
Stealing the villagers items be like:
7:09 7:20 7:57 8:23 8:26 8:39 8:40
What about the wither and the golem