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➜Minecraft: How to Make a Wooden House – Tutorial
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➜Download houses: http://billionblocks.com
➜Interior Tutorial Video:
➜Download the Texture pack: http://billionblocks.com
Called “Faithfull” at the texture pack menu.
➜Download My Shader pack: http://billionblocks.com
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If you are looking for an awesome and super simple, easy to make wooden house full tutorial, this video is for you! for pocket edition ( mc pe ) xbox xbox360 , ps , ps3 , ps4 , pc .For me this is the best looking house with the most simple design!
Have fun with the pc world map download!
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100 b like for this video
Yo hice también hice tu misma casa
the best minecraft house EVER BRO!!!!
Egy ideje nem néztem fel a csatornára, mostmár miért nem beszélsz a videókban? Még annyit akarok kérdezni, hogy neked az állampolgárságod magyar? Mert ha igen, akkor elég furcsa, hogy soha nem beszélnek rólad ha a legismertebb magyar videósokról van szó.
I do that tutorial and it's so beautyful😃😃😃
Wow that is sow koooll
My Minecraft house is still in under construction
This house is waste just kidding this house aswome how did you make
Please give interior 🙏🙏🙏🙏
what is the name of song
wow bomba
Nice making 💕💕
Make more….. Please
I would toatally get minecraft, abd build this but i have to pay to have minecraft…
Thanks you 🏠🏠😄😄👍👍
pour qoi tu di rien
Me to
Other people: *watches it*
love ur vids ^w^
Awesome you deserve 100million subs
" EasY SuRVivaL " House
i am here before 1 billion views on ur yt wiederdude remember me
Builder for minecraft
Who is docorasen
What you billed is so cool
hay wiederdude can you mack more homes
How about bedroom and living room and kitchen?!!
Me gusto pero y por dentro?
Finally found a house tutorial without shaders, good job the house is great
Can u make a video of the interior of the wooden house pls
What are the perimeters like width and height
Plz easy modern house in hindi plz 🥺
me and my sis love the house sooooooooooo much
Btw Merry Christmas Wieder dude love you vids my sis watchs you everyday she plays minecraft and bam one of your houses is built
Lol that is cool😉😉