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Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 24.
Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we build a garden in xBcrafted’s prismarine farm ummm pyramid…uh aquackit….Aquackit templlllle!
Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100
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Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/
#minecraft #hermitcraft
21:30 What happened to the water in his bucket when he shifted it to the inventory?
Bdubs, I might be a little late to the party on this. On the bonzai tree there was one leaf touching the pathblock on the outside, didn't really look right. How about changing that to an armorstand with 'scaled to fit' leaf instead? Brilliant piece of work as always!
I love the fact that you lets us hear your thought process while building! =D
Another homerun of an episode, BDubs! This is my favourite TV show
I see the nether hub as a vulcanic place filled with lava. Not in the hell- style it is but more as a geological feature of a rocky and deserted wasteland. + If only one person loses their stuff in lava they will never want you building it again.😂 ( a joke ofc) ( "Remember when bdubs built the nether hub and all our stuff burned in lava?" )
been missing your hc videos, this made me unprortionally happy
Hey @BdoubleO100, I really think a cool design for the nether hub could be based around the Sunken Basilica Cistern in Istanbul with a cool River Styx style glass river going through it with cool boats and stuff would look sick.
The netherhub could look like a trade show where each portal is like a booth of a „company/Hermit“ those are always in big halls with high ceiling and would be perfect to fly around
2:31 the Freudian slip with "SmallishDreams" and the "good morning sunshine" in Joel's video shows us exactly why he's been taken off your hitlist
I love you explaining your thought process. An idea for the Netherlands is a series of pedestals/collumn representing their bases with bridges connecting them
super late to comment but imagine the nether hub like Blackreach from Skyrim – a great dwarven underground city, all black-gold with blue luminous mushrooms…
what mod is that light level thingie?
Bdubs: Impossible is nothing!
Two ideas – make it into an "overworld hub" by adding fake water, moss carpets etc, possibly also fake blue sky.
Second – since you're already in the nether – make it into a Nether Keep theme.
Bdubs this is amazing I love all the work you've done on xbs base it is super amazing. I reckon you should do a paid service and see if your can get a permit for it. I think everyone would pay you for your service. Another amazing job dude
OK, you are making the nether hub, you can't back down now!
I am super excited tbh because I trust your talent and I think you'll do an amazing job! And I don't worry about the limitations personally, because they foster creativity – I guess it's your burden now to think of something cool to do, I can't wait to see what!
Nether hub is already a bit of a crazy playground of Hermit personalities – and open space with something to block out the lovely nether waste biome sky, lots of colour and fun for the nether portals… like a carnival or fair ground!
first thought for the hub was make it look like your in the clouds using glass dunno what to do with the portals tho leave them scattered around the cloud biome i guess
Never thought I would consider a bunch of silos being the height of serene beauty.
Perhaps you could make centralised hubs so that hermits share central portals. It might be annoying for some, but it could provide opportunities for beautiful buildings in and outside the nether.
Oh, with the Pots, maybe checking out iJevins technique of making maps with see through areas, as he did for the Christmas dekoration Maps, with the invisible Item Frames, there could be special, colorful painting on the pots, still showing the Pot color as background….
Nether hub idea : Not a builder myself – maybe there's enough space from nether roof to portals to layer colored glass to make something cool. My first thought is the different shades of blue and white creating something like an ocean. Leaves the floor without spawns, and the air flyable. Might be able to put "sunken" items like treasure chests, treasure maps, bottles, skulls, etc.
I'm sure you'll make something awesome.
Enjoy your videos, you're my favorite builder 🙂
The forest is astoundingly good!
Regarding the Nether Hub, I think it would be cool to keep it open literally (aka don't build walls around it like is typically done). The way I would go about this is by creating some sort of ruined nether fortress (not necessarily out of nether brick but that remains a possibility.). I'm thinking something to the scale of your stone tower bridge on the building with bdubs world, and in that sort of style, since nether fortresses consist of that kind of feature. These could be way above the players heads and add an elden-ring esque epic scale to everything, plus you wouldn't have to worry about placing slabs etc on top being ugly as players wouldn't necessarily see it. Then, the portals at their current level could be in a nether garden, or just an environment at the base of the ruins. This way the hub is easy to access, the portals can be placed in relatively free form locations (as theyre awkward to place somewhere inorganic), you can fly around, the number of blocks placed isn't ridiculously ridiculous and you can achieve a cool sense of scale. Plus the nether fog may interact interestingly with large scale tall structures above you. idk. Good luck bdubs
For the nether hub, because of the close proximity of all the portals, I imagine a little town with roads and little houses where the portals can be. But with the lighting in the nether it can also be some sort of underground cave town, Or maybe even something with a more interesting theme, like greek ruins or something industrial. Maybe it can even be a train town with all the portals being inside a big train station and the distant places being connected by a railway.