Minecraft Hardcore Let's Play – EPIC STORAGE BUILDING!!! – Episode 12

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Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play – EPIC STORAGE BUILDING!!! – Episode 12

In Today’s Minecraft Hardcore Survival Let’s Play we’re going to be mining for diamonds, and building up our brand new Spanish Style Storage Building!!!


► World Seed: 8663566223340505744

► Base Coords: 167 / 70 / 124

► Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0

► Fresh Animations Resource Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-animations-v1-0/


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Music Provided by Epidemic Sound


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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival


46 thoughts on “Minecraft Hardcore Let's Play – EPIC STORAGE BUILDING!!! – Episode 12”

  1. Sausage, you should name the sword the Sausage Scimitar. A scimitar is a type of sword similar to the cutlasses that pirates use in the movies. I think that would be awesome and fit the theme very well.

  2. Yo @TheMythicalSaisage this build is awesome. I'm Hispanic and it's truly awesome.

    Also you should build that dock but have one or two boat's be a transport boat, and also have two boat's be a warship. Just giving a good advice for that dock.

  3. Pancakes! Waffles are tasty too. But you need a waffle maker to make waffles and you only need a pan to make pancakes. Handier to make pancakes and I like that about them. Name a cat Flapjack and another Muffin!


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