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In this Minecraft video I play Hardcore mode, but every time I jump, I jump super high. Can I beat Minecraft without dying?
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I was watching your old videos , in which you are playing with your brother and sister and doing prank calls etc.
And when I watched your this video, my sister said ‘THIS IS NOT SB?’
sb do u know the new update the caves n cliffs update
Just imagine if after so much hard work SB fell on that one piece of bedrock on the end dimension portal
I miss friend or for
I think no jumping would be a cool (but a lot more tedious) challenge, since ladders and slabs are basically REQUIRED. Still, would be cool to see you do a vid like that
Challenge minecraft but a random mobs spawns every second
hitting your head should deal damage in some-sort of way.
kangaroo I jump the highest. sb not anymore
Imagine if SB can jump that high I real life LOL
3:06 thank you literally 0.01% of people know that a gold helmet gives the same protection of amour as a iron helmet.
People who play with auto jump 💀
pls support this channel
This is why I practice MLG water
I watched a zombie kill a pillager captain without me doing anything. and the zombie SURVIVED
OMG it's been a 2 year's just re found your channel I remember being a subscriber when you had 1OOk it's been ages I'm such a big fan thanks for supporting me through tough times
Plot Twist: He actually missed the portal.
Do this but with auto jump on
i now know that sb stands for sonic boom and i know that 737 is a air plain
The ad before this: “Stains! Ugh!”
Hello, how r u? your awesome!!!
Do live Minecraft againg
SB, you should do more 4 way fight
like a mini forf
that was a fun series
Ur an average pro
It a long time since I watch ur vid ;-;
I found a village with a ruined portal AND with a ecsposed stronghold in a ravine!
Why don't you play other phone games like among us and also you are a pro u should play some games like terracraft and else like these
SB737 is de bast minecraft play
Im the 500th commenter
But all of water buckets
Edit: but not all of them 🙂
Who else noticed the marble zone remix
You used to be a Sonic playing Channel
Nice job
you speerun better than dream 😯
In bedrock the enderman just teleport from boat
Bedrock enderman: Pathetic
Java enderman: …
Can you beat minecraft hardcore while looking at your face? (double f5)
In 3 straight videos he uses same smiling picture.
Sb can you do some more Bedwars videos
this is a petition for sb to join the dream smp
Sb you should start playing among us because it's the most popular video game at the moment