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Welcome to my Let’s Play of Minecraft in my Lovely World.
In this episode, continue building my swoop mini-game.
Twitter – @stampylongnose
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/stampycatyt
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/stampylongnose
Stampy where r da other dogs☹️
My Childhood Memories…
seeing all the new helpers are crazy for me, I haven't really watched your videos in about 6 or more years and I was absolutely amazed when I was younger but seeing that you grew so much but kept the same intro, loving the cake, you laughing, and so much more makes me happy and brings back so many memories
God The nostalgia is amazing
Stampy u should put slime on the floor and carpet it so you wont die of fall damage.
man i legit teared up hearing his laugh..thank you for all the memories
I’m sorry for not saying it on the day but HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAMPY!
This made me remember the good old days when I was younger are used to love stamps Longnose
Does anyone remember the time machine to the first day
Stamps although we all grew up you will always be remembered
This game is quiddichcc vibes
Make fire works to go faster with the elytra
Am here just for the intro…I can still remember myself saying the intro with his voice to my friends about 8 years ago…
Memories bring back memories bring back you.
Hey stanly came back from a few years ago buddy love the content keep following your dream!
Stampy i would love if you play with yiur old helpers pls i miss you playing with them
We need to see more adventure maps
I hate how his Chanel has died I had so many good memories I love you stanpy no homo hopefully he makes a comeback
I just realised: Stampy is the biggest bedrock edition YouTuber to exist that plays consistent bedrock edition
this man is my childhood… glad to see he's still uploading
The legends back loved Ur content and still do
Let’s just say… memories unlocked
Can you please play I am bread 🍞🍞🍞 because it a funny stupid game
When he said love garden all the memories flooded back
Man I remember you nostalgia…
One day I hope Grian and Stampy have a collab.
Since I was 4 I wanted to be in that garden with my name on the sign im 13 now it goes to show that even tho I'm 13 I still love ur vids keep up the good work
What are all the towers around the map?
almost 6 years and this hasn't aged a day
The dog house still looks the same after all these years. Thx for everything ever since 2014, Stampy
I havent watched you in ages, time to cry while I watch this
I think for the real game stampy should give each player 3 fireworks or else the game will be too hard
“And it’s gonna go all the way up, forty flive blocks high 5:28 “
-Stampy a.k.à M’y Childhood
Do you remember me I have last watched your videos since 7 years
This brings back the days when I would come home from school with no problems in the world and I would turn on YouTube and Minecraft and just watch stampy while doing my own stuff
Stampy I just want to thank u for be here when I’m down I know u won’t see this but if u do just thank u
Still remember when these vids would get millions know views within the first week a d now hes only gettin 50k a day
All this action!!! How fun it is!!
Is this the first time he used the you but there teleporter twice in one episode xD my mans had to got back and do the whole skit again
The vid was great but there’s really big difference in the intro 🙁 if you dont know your not an og ill tell you if you want to know
I really love Stampy, I always watch Stampy's vids when I was a lonely kid.
I love ur mom
Yea me to