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Today I am showing you Minecraft FACTS that you probably don’t know! They are actually pretty crazy!
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#Shorts #Minecraft #Speedrun
fun fact: if you put a parrot next to a jukebox and put a disc in then the parrot will start dancing
I knew about the cookies and parrots since there was Minecraft mini games on PlayStation 4
Yes we no
I knew All this lol
I learned the hard way about the parrot parrot if I was eating a cookie one day and I accidentally right clicked on my parrot gave it the cookie and POI poison day and died
I knowed all
I mean I can make ender dragon to nether
When the parrots first came out I watched A video on how to tame them and my parrot died because they gave her the parrot a cookie
Lol unlucky spawn in nether
One fact your father runs away faster than piglins to soul light
I know that all facts
I knew all of them
My birds name was cookie and he died because of a cookie
We all know this (உஷ this game
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amazing, ruby was removed because it looked like redstone yet we still got lapis
O no
This is why I hate emeralds my birthstone is ruby
Well I Just Summon A Wither In The Nether
every logical person knows if you feed a parrot a cookie it brings you a diamond. Just common knowledge
That’s crazy because I have a Minecraft where they let you have Rubys!
Thx for telling me that my parrot was killed like that by me and i was literally confused
I knew all of these
Pov you knew
I know that Cookie is poisonous to parrot

I know all these
I'm sad cause I knew all of these already
The reason that dolphins play with it because there used to playing with dead bodies of dolphins they killed