Minecraft – Enderman Horde [679]

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Welcome to my Let’s Play of Minecraft in my Lovely World.

In this episode, I battle the ender dragon.

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47 thoughts on “Minecraft – Enderman Horde [679]”

  1. Wait if Stampy has just defeated the Ender-dragon then how does he have a chorus fruit minigame already. 🤔 I just wonder how.
    Also if he has come to the deep-end why does he say that it is his first time.
    To be honest I am not a hater I was just wondering how but we will probably never know.

  2. i used to watch stampy every day in elementary school, my favorite series was the sky island series with squaishy 🥺 anyways im in high school and we just went fully remote and i’ve been really stressed and sad but i’ve started binge watching these videos just out of boredom and it’s literally so comforting he literally raised me :’( <3

  3. i have a few qestions: i want to see a mlg water bucket totorial, and a axe deals more damage at you enemies, do not spam click it deals less damage in 1.12 and newer becouse the sword (or axe) deals the most damage when the sword is as far up as it gets. great vid tho


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