Minecraft Dungeons: Howling Peaks DLC – Nintendo Switch

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

The third DLC for Minecraft Dungeons has arrived!

A strange power takes hold atop the perilous peaks, and a brave hero must rise to the summit to defeat it. The path to the summit will lead you to new mobs, missions, and gear – just don’t look down.

Find out more about Minecraft Dungeons: https://bit.ly/2EMIGx5

#MinecraftDungeons #Minecraft #NintendoSwitch

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44 thoughts on “Minecraft Dungeons: Howling Peaks DLC – Nintendo Switch”

  1. I’ve seen comments saying “don’t let this distract you from ___”. As if the person/people who run this channel are posting trailers of games coming to the switch SPECIFICALLY to distract people from the controversy. Correct me if I’m wrong, but nintendo, like most other companies, is made up of multiple divisions. The people who run the channel are different from the people who make the decisions. I doubt that anyone who has any control over the controversial decisions made by Nintendo will watch a trailer for Minecraft Dungeons, and read the comments. Even IF that happens, it’s extremely unlikely that it will sway their decisions in any way. I’m not going to take sides on the controversy itself, but this is getting ridiculous. There are many better ways to reach Nintendo than this.

  2. Welcome to another edition of "we' didn't release all the content on launch so we made you pay for what should have been there in the first place!"

    God I wish I was joking but too many triple A games do this nowadays, I'm looking at you octo expansion. (probably an unpopular opinion, don't judge me.)

  3. Listen, I know Minecraft is more complex in like every way and it would take forever to add every mob from this game to Minecraft (that being said they shouldn’t) but a lot of mobs from dungeons would work in Minecraft and this game kinda wants me to get a mob focused update, where we get more mobs than ever before possibly nearly doubling the current count but anyway I personally think this would be cool but it might be a little much for mc


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