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Minecraft DON’T ENTER LONGEST HOUSE IN MINECRAFT !! DANGEROUS CREATURES INSIDE !! Minecraft Mods – In todays Minecraft Mod we will explore House of Dirt, Diamond, Bedrock and Gold to save villagers. We won’t have enough weapons and armors to defend ourselves if we encounter dangerous creatures.
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►Vlog Channel: http://bit.ly/21KOGVs
What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 13 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet to be dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.
iMGAGGIN GETTING A HEART FROM MC NAVVED like if you think YEs dislike if no 🙁
Omg i love your vids may i one day be in one?
WTF??? watching in 2021 and 2021 in covid 19 Oh I Forgot i need to play skwibbl io I WANT SOUT OUT
Mc neved:Somthing instintly killed us
Me: its called /kill
Nós já jogou em um servidor sobrevivência s uns 5 anos kkk
Hello Naveed,i think you should edit your video so that it look more funny and entertaiment
I like it It’s cool
Make a live stream please on minecraft
nice zombie
Oh no here we go again with the noob,pro,hacker, and god
I think they took the villagers emerald
Those guys are kidnappers
You must save the villagers mc navved
i hit the notification button and i followed you on instagram because i think you're a god in Minecraft and you are my favourite youtuber.
Guys stop saying first and second and third it anointing
>:3 i watch
I want a flame thrower,tsunami bucket and a toxic bucket please
Austin? Are you there somewhere?
I ain't early
i love lockicraft i build my house i know how to build a end portal
Where Are You From?
Great video and thanks for being an inspiration to our wonderful MINECRAFT community!
Those are very expensive villagers house
Sorry mc naveed u dont so your vid
I want hindi
Noob vs pro vs hacker vs God
You forgot hacker he will kill the villagers
Noob vs pro vs hacker vs god
How you make this much difficult hose and many more
Ang gandanag pang gawanag bahay sa bisita layo sa bahay ko rin po