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🎵 Songs Used In The Video 🎵
▶️ https://airbit.com/Leroy132
We spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also added commentary that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. Edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects are added to most of the clips to make the video even more entertaining with background music to make the video even more enjoyable. Here is the example of one of our videos in editing sequence – https://prnt.sc/ukzg9r
LІKE And SUBSCRІBE if you enjoyed the video 😀
How have Yout not HIt 1 Million Subs Yet LOL
0:50 hes not even taking that much damage lol
Nothing is scarier than the elder guardian popping up in the screem
I feel like this guy is Gamers react but better
Tell Me Any Death That Forsen(ZoomersLLUW) Did Not Have
XQcow streams to much
I don't think that guy knows that he drop his pick in lava when digging in the nether
One second to 1 million subs
Congrats for 1 million! 😀
Almost 1 million subs!!!
does anyone have a minecraft account they can give me? i really want to play with my friends but i cant get minecraft 🙁
Im here before 1m subscriber
OOF 999k subs
why do they sound like they're moaning 😭
my volume ↗️↘️↗️↘️↗️↘️↗️↘️
1 M
congrats on 1000k!!
Congratulations on 1m btw I was the 1m subscriber
9:16 he should atleast block Him self
XQCOW be like:
10iq Play: 😠😠😠
200iq Play: 😶😐
Happy 1 million subs