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Minecraft but your Hearts = your Size
@Bionic Reacts
@Danny Bionic
TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
My Editor: @Mutant
#minecraft #MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge
Keep up the good work. Keep making your great content. Keep encouraging every indevuial person one by one. Thank you bionic.
Um….. (Cricket Noises)……….
it will take place at school
Keep up the good work. Keep making your great content. Keep encouraging every indevuial person one by one. Thank you bionic.
Keep up the good work. Keep making your great content. Keep encouraging every indevuial person one by one. Thank you bionic.
Keep up the good work. Keep making your great content. Keep encouraging every indevuial person one by one. Thank you bionic.
Best way to propose a girl of your dreams 😏 is though Bonc's videos
I didn’t sub
Harmless little baff!!!
Sub to bionic less get him to 5mill
That's why it's good being small to fit through things tall people can't fit through
We need 1 block skyblock RN
The classic gungangingan
Bionic pls make a video with vane miner
Bionic mom in minecraft: they grow up so fast
Cool video 😎
Bionic i got to say your the best utuber im not kidding for real man YOUR THE BEST UTUBER BIONIC ITS SOOO FUN TO WATCH YOUR VIDEO!!!! LOVE YOU BRO
your 2 times size off giant alex
Herrodarkx need thid
Minecraft but am Madara Uchiha 11:04
Pls try 1.19 wild update
Pls try 1.19 wild update
Fun fact: the heart recipe is actually a hopper recipe
Please make more videos i like ur vids
Now this "Minecraft BUT" video makes sense
like the lifesteal smp
4:38 Because of how the armor works, the mod sees the default hearts ending, and it places the custom ones there… basically it splits the armor given hearts, and non-armor given hearts and doesn't realize it haha~
Could've removed the armor to see the effects lols~ ;p
I wasen’t expecting him to say booger’s and bug’s 😋
OMG 😃 I love this video like actually love ti 💞💞💞💞💞💞😻😻❤️
Thats what she said
bionics pc is after the video brocken
Bionic wassy