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New Channel ~ YesSmartyPie Shorts ~
Minecraft But You Have Half Heart [Challenge]
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Game Name – Minecraft
if you see this ~ comment #YesSmartyPie
who wants setup tour of smarty pie
Why you don't making videos in hitesh vlogs
Missing his teddy😭😭
Noobs=how you did the Parkour pro=this is easy Parkour legend=we are waiting for himlands 4 ss ep 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
YESMARTYPIE congracts for 1B views opppp😄😄😃😃😃😋😊
Bhai smarty bhai aapke liye to sab Kuchh Aasan hai
जो जो अपनी खुबसुरत प्यारी आखो से मेरा कमेंट पढ़ रहा है भगवान करे उसके माता पिता कि उम्र लंबी हो जाये
When your Himlands Season-4 Ep-24 video come
Himlands Video🤨
Bhai Apke exact 666 videos hogaye hai
Red pos
Chunk error
Mounhunt ke video banao
Next part kab aaeahaa
One of the best thing about dude is that he never takes credit for himself when he achieves something. He always respect us, the audience a
Tum jab level 5 khelrahihethe me tab machli khake
i gave challenge
At Lv4 grefite kill you
Gali -Sala
Smarty pie died how many times in Minecraft
Ans : 138 time's 😂😂😂😂😅😅😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣
Finally he got new thumbnail photo 😂
hidden detail-level 2 pe ap ka ber ke nise diamond ka 2ore the
fun fact : that poison one clip i understand we have to not stop walking on graphite block that orande bpock
Bhai new video jaldi bejo
Red granite block pey chala tha isseliy potion lag raha tha
I want to see some gaming video other than Minecraft
bro plz buy new mick
Smarty bhai subnautica below zero khelo
Chus lado
Bhai ye map 1 type se himlands ki parkour race ka training hai