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Minecraft But You Can Craft YouTuber Pickaxes…
In this Minecraft world you can upgrade any normal pickaxe in the crafting table to craft a youtuber pickaxe! Each new pickaxe has unique effects depending on the youtuber!
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#youtuber #pickaxe #minecraft
OMG bionic is my fav YouTuber barhi you are 2nd fav
Minecraft is the worst this game
I knew GeorgeNotFound was one of the best
My favorite Minecraft YouTuber is bionic
The iron ore: come. Bahri who follows it: redstone!
Yo there is a YouTuber called bari
Today I found out bahri is cactus jones
I am a big fan
Next video: (QNA) why did you keep your channel name “bahri” ??
Pig is called in hindi is suar
Me watching at the end and gueesing : ITS DREAM
Omg he,s insane op
Wow I thought u were leaving YouTube but still making video and I was searching for some cursed things things to do in Minecraft and I saw this and I was suprised when u have upload a video 1 day ago
Ik i told preston
Since when did you upload Roblox on the other channel
Bionic Pickaxe ⛏
mr beast pickaxe was not very good
nah bionic is known for da poop pickaxe
nooby tapl skin lmao
I now bionic
Me too
Hi Keith/bahri
Omg 😱 omg😂
guys I've seen aphmau on zane's outfit
I hate bionic
I miss when he was with Preston.
I see him
love your vids
The dream pick axe is soo powerful SO POWERFUL THAT OT CAN CONTROL THE WORLDDDDDDD jk
Bahri you can break redstone with a stone pickaxe
why is there no Bahri pickaxe?-
Hi 👋 friends 🥰 new USA alondra gonzalez New friend ok 👍😇👋🤗
my guess the chest loot was placed by bahri
I totally watch Bionic
Bionic:(sees this) "I'm famous now"