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Minecraft, But You Can Craft Armor From Any Block…
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In todays Minecraft Challenge… You can craft any armor, from any block. This includes, enchantment table armor, bedrock armor, obsidian armor, tnt armor, pumpkin armor, and more! Any block you use, you can craft armor from! Can we beat Minecraft with the custom block armor? Like and subscribe to help us get Trending #1! Let’s do this!
#minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut
which armor was your favorite? :O
Everyone: BedRock armor had some drip
Bionic: makes dirt armor
Ayy emerald armor less go
Silk touch
Under armour
You can make bedrock wepen
Make cactus armor
bionic why did you not
craft ended dragon egg armor at the end when you had cheats on comon miad
Wait in roblox u hava dirt armor
how does he spawn near village?
You mean any item
I swear just the look of the picture in the vid is so cursed
He should do armor from any block and pickaxe from any block
the shurgercane armor
The snow
emarald pls
Stop racist not poo just cya brown
wanna hear a joke
how to make a bedrock
search bed and mine rock
now its will be a bed-rock
Why you didn't try to make a glass armor
Why didn’t you get bed armor
no u never do eye of ender armour or bed armour
What’s the seed
i didnt know u can craft bedrock
level 10 drip!!
Chest armor
Yk what’s weird I was watching Preston plays last night and he was talking about bionic and then the next day I watch bionic
Challenge:make all the custom armor then kill the ender dragon 6 times then make bedrock armor
Imagine a beacon chest plate
Build a mansion
My favorite one is bedrock max health!.
Dried kelp armor.
Boiniccc are you jesus
Its all custom seeds
He just found pigstep and no reaction like bruh
u should have done cactus
thenu will have forns