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Minecraft BUT TNT Drops TNT Armor!
We made a small change to TNT in Minecraft and now it will drop TNT armor whenever it explodes!
Chest out some friends!
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#tnt #armor #minecraft
Bahri why you dont get in the moon
The intro you sound like you don’t feel good
Bahri use axe on 1.16 so gives more damage
you shud play roblox(my little brother sead to write thes :/)
if you dot play iit i uderstand dont like this
Your orange suit reminds me of dumb and dumber lol 😂
Bahri Grace sharer just became a pond monster in the bunker at the sharerfam house help her we need a youtuber meet up
What if you stand on redstone block with tnt boots
This is the worst youtuber / minecraft player in the world
Super Bro
Tnt pic
My skin is just like you
try it all togedther
Bahri barhri
Bro it is awesome
My world: X-X
How about bats? Minecraft but bats drop armor?
What happens if your friend gets flint and steel
Yeah TNT 👨
Try to use the charged TNT on the ender dragon
It had resounds on the chest plate
Killer Queen third bomb bites the dust
Hey Guys If You Look At The Tnt Helmet in the Thumbnail it looks like red from AMOGUS
Didn’t work for me 😢