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Playing Minecraft while there’s Candy Hearts brings a whole new challenge to the game!
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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but there’s Candy Hearts! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!
Minecraft but there’s Candy Hearts
#Minecraft #But #Hearts
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.
Candy heart you will be A total Sugar Rush
i a,m in sweden
0:27 how dare you, i actually like candy corn, but it ain't my favorite.
my "hate club" would probably be skittles(except the green apple ones) or sweet tarts, meh
Crafte didn't have M&M hearts 🙁
I am eating a candy rn-
I want to play that mod so badly not gonna lie 😅
I also hate candy corn like so much
Sugers are not healthy it damages teeth If you eat alot of snack and sugars 2 hours later after you sleep you feel something in your teeth then you go to the bathroom yo brush your teeth but that didn't work because of eating alot of snacks that how the story go's
The chicken Paz dispenser looks funny it looks like a peashooter
i am from sweden
eyyyyyyyyyyy crafteeeee!!!!!
How do you get that Mod?
Craftee at 8:20: "What can I say"
Me right after that: "except your welcome"
Me when he says that line: "Called it lol"
Nice episode!
CaNdY CoRN SuCKs!!!!!!!!
Anybody home????
I know you are using shaders in cinematics but try to use them in your videos it make's your video more colourful
There are prove there are other craftee but him forgot the airship place lol
anyways i made a random custom craftee skin of multiple different craffee's each from a different univers, wanna see it? i hope you have discord-
Craftee shout out to Bangladesh plz
love from Bangladesh
Your my best youtuder
Me ween I watch your video:
Ah 😌 my film of the day. I NEED POPCORN 🍿
Yay Sweden 🥰😄👍
could u plz do a ninja mod
Left Twix has more caramel and Right Twix has more wafer.
0:25 i knew that reference 😉
One of the best things with craftee is that he adores his subbers
I want you to make MEGA craftee merch
=c i like candycorn