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Minecraft, But There Are Custom Structures..
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#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft
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oh wait that would be like a 1 in 723 chance? Cuz U could shoutout this comment as well…
Call it mia
You got a new subscriber 🙂
I love your videos man your on top 3 favorite youtuber in the world your first place of my top 3
New section: "oak wood mining section"
Can you do a super multi sword
Graser:is that a full level 30 setup if only i had a enchantment table
Next second: sees a enchamtment table
Did you see new ores
Inspiration should be Fru man 🙁
Something crazy happened to my cousin when he found an amifest geode he was playing minecraft just starting up the game a few minutes found the area of the strong hold he would've broken the minecraft speed run record and this is all true…guess what spawned in the area of the end portal and complete destroyed it,unable to go to the end.
Billy=shadowapple: kill a creeper with a sword or AXE
Graser: kill a creeper with a shovel or pickaxe
Ppl: we dont like the cave and cliffs update
Mojang: then why u ask for it
The ravager is now grader 2.0
Dope structures
"Save the glow squid!"
Captainsparklez would be disappointed lol
Graser in cube evolution: I've got my thauminominominaumicon
Me: confused
Thank you graser for 50000 food and 300000 gold
everyone: *mines diamonds with a iron pickaxe(
Graser: s t o n e p i c k a x e
graser do baby mode