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Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hoes…
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Edited By @ExtremeBlitz
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This is a Minecraft 1.16 challenge where I am beating Minecraft as fast as possible (Minecraft speedrun) to beat the game! However, the twist is that I can use custom hoes. This is a “Minecraft, But” challenge, not beating minecraft but my friend tries to stop me AKA Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter AKA Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft UHC, Minecraft PvP, nor Minecraft SMP. :L
#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft #TapL
me watching at 3AM – yes
Try this if this ganna work??? Try the hoe²+hoe enchanter
5:15 is nobody ever gonna talk about that pink sheep?
15:10 i recognize that background music
i think i heard it from a life of boris video
there was a pink sheep
24:51 the hoe^2 turned bedrock into grass
he missed a pink sheep
Hey TapL Do you Remember Pixel Gun 3d?
I wonder if it will for HOE-LARIOUS, lolz
tapl sould be in smp of dream
I laughed every time he said hoe
i wish lol
Oh by the way, you could see a village off spawn.
The squeamish technician ultrastructurally punish because scale hypothetically arrest from a premium level. neighborly, organic cabinet
Those who are middle schoolers or older s are probably laughing everytime he said hoe
Wow tapl
4:46 « we can call it a broe Hey bro » is a good joke TapL
Hoe is literally op because hoe has the highest knockback without enchants
Alternative title: minecraft but we made hoe useful
I feel like he only made this video just so he can say the word “Hoe”
pog pog pog pog pog pog pog pog pog
The intro is gay
it that a pink cheap at minet 4:58?
Dats alota hoes
1:39 Stone Door
tapl is so cool and good
The amount of times he says hoe in this video 😂😂😂
Idea: Minecraft UHC but there are 1000 players
🙂 this will lag
Dude the pinkaheep
*Pink sheep is rare *
Still pink sheep get ignore
Sad pink sheep noise
10000000000000000000000 hooos. Man
there is a pink sheep!
This kind of thing is messed up with the hoes because I’m thinking about it very wrong like the people one not the tools