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#minecraft #mcyt #shorts
these are the most wild dripstone caves of all time
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
Minecraft but vivilly milks even more dwellers
Mind explaining the chat message at 6 to 7 seconds? i just want to see what it was for
What was in his inventory
world name 😮😮
Pffffffffffffffffffffffffff huuuu fasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do 50 mods
Bro sounds like Jerry Seinfeld 💀
Viv it’s kinda like this was copied from another creator
Ooh cartoon cat
Did bro forget how to craft iron???
Use your nuggets
Craft the iron nuggets into iron because you obtained a crafting table ❌️
Mine some coal, look for where the iron was, mine it, then smelt it ✅️
Thr1te reference
Why does it look like one of thrite's vid
why don't craft? 10 iron nuggets!
oh wait 18
What texture pack are you using?
Why is no one talking about the disc tape in his inventory when he opened the chest?
Did his brain completely shut down he could've crafted an ingot when he got the crafting table
Thrite my goat
i played on that world one time and after walking for 30 mins i found a tree it was on dirt and in that biome dirt is rare
I've watched a different youtuber do an entire series like this…
Did anyone see the video game 🎮 in his inventory
i dont see u saying whos ORIGINAL idea it was (Thrite) bro littelary didn't even hide anything its same as the thrites series.
"Youu can'ttt hiiiide"
Can you make a long form vid of this?
Didn’t thrite kinda do this already
I love the part with the horror mods
One what?
who is going to tell him
Fact: Curseforge and Mcpedl is owned by Overwolf which donated to Israel. So, NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING FROM OVERWOLF again and show your support to PALESTINE 🇵🇸……
Bro, you could’ve crafted iron nuggets into iron ingots. Okay, well you chose the harder method.😮
By the way, I subscribed.😊😊
I found ur second channel before ur main, I've been watching ur streams and 2nd channel vids for like half a year, then I find this short. Am I dumb?
Craft the nuggets❌
Walk thousands of block, find a single tree, make a crafting table, craft a pick mine stone, make a stone pick and mine iron and smelt it✅
Bro really needed those extra 40 secs in his video
Wait for night get bones turn to bonemeal then bonemeal moss until a tree spawns ( I know u faked that tree in)
Why didn't you turn the iron nuggets into an ingot afyer getting a crafting table..?
Actually, only Azalea trees can spawn in these biomes so this video is fake
I thought that there was a jumpscare in the end of the video.
Did u know u had enough nuggets?
Gets tree in creative mode "whaaat"
Bro had a controller in his inventory 💀
You copied camman18 on this one
Are we just not gonna talk about that game controller in your inventory?
Why was there a giant Alex at 0:03? 💀💀
"Wow that was surprisingly very easy" jampscare from a horror mod