Minecraft, But Random Blocks Spawn When You Walk… March 13, 2021 by Wisp Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg Minecraft, But Random Blocks Spawn When You Walk… (Challenge) Follow My Socials: ∘ Twitter – @wispexe ∘ Instagram – @wispexe ∘ Twitch … source
5:26 wtf happened there, theres no way you survived that, trapped under lava with seconds to live. Reply
Nature is da best WHY WOULD YOU CHANGE IT INTO STUPID BLOCKS BRUH (Dis is a joke but nature is actually the best) Reply
When he went: Ah, it’s such a beautiful day, the suns shining I half expected him to go: in a beautiful way, gonna take a shower brush my teeth, and life is ultimately meaningless Reply
The screeching jeans booly appreciate because hydrant paradoxically tickle off a dusty attention. doubtful, oceanic panda Reply
When the portal breaks he just broke it for 2 obsidian when he legit had flint and steel he could legit relight it Reply
"Nine ender pearls? that must have been two drops of four!" 4+4=9
what texture pack do u use
Fun fact: This was in your recommendation
Dang. Only 68 xp levels
Do a Minecraft ugh but where all in creative mode plz plz plz do this
Walks sees diamond mines
Pvp and competition is so good when playing
Where is the hardcore mode
5:26 wtf happened there, theres no way you survived that, trapped under lava with seconds to live.
are you actually playing on an i7 and a gtx 1080
Everyone gangsta until he spawned a water in the nether
Video idea minecraft but if I walk a random mob spawns
Congrats on trending wisp 😊
Nature is da best WHY WOULD YOU CHANGE IT INTO STUPID BLOCKS BRUH (Dis is a joke but nature is actually the best)
Wow i want this mod
Hi wisp 🙂
Can i cancel you or expose u from hacking
Ineed clout
10:42 9 ender pearls?! That must have been like two drops of 4.
4+4=9 Mafhs
Screaming wisp6969
Shouting wisp200
everything gangsta until he walks on the blaze spawner
Netherite nope dirt yup diamond NOPE grass yup
Y u no take netherite blocks???????
AhhHh thiS iS sUcH a StRaNge idEa wisp they are all strange ideas
wow that would be unlucky if a Redstone block and tnt spawned right next to each other
alt title: Another strange idea (pt.200)
Wisp you have #26 trending on yt lets goo
Do a lot of creative building please
Fun Fact:
Wisp already made the same video.
"Nine ender pearls? That must have been two drops of 4!"
-Wisp 2021
When he went: Ah, it’s such a beautiful day, the suns shining
I half expected him to go: in a beautiful way, gonna take a shower brush my teeth, and life is ultimately meaningless
Literally every single surprising event is in the other video lol
Can you do a manhunt and shape shift in the same time so it’s super hard to do
4:56 walks on air block
The screeching jeans booly appreciate because hydrant paradoxically tickle off a dusty attention. doubtful, oceanic panda
Imagine if he jump from high place and the water appear
wisppppppp how are you
When the portal breaks he just broke it for 2 obsidian when he legit had flint and steel he could legit relight it