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Edited By → TapL :L
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#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #TapL
Dream be like
More uhc plz
Stack of water buckets? Wait, thats illegal!
Is it you Lakshya
You could do an uhc wher if you are not in water you die
UHC idea: Minecraft UHC, but you can insta mine
The first 25 seconds..LOL
Reminds me of dream
Yep just Normaly 64 lava and water buckets
Pls do another UHC where all blocks have ice property PLS TAPL
I is subbed UwU
joke's on you, i suck at games and piglins are already op me for me lmao
Minecraft but mobs are invis
Sugestion*: Minecraft UHC, but we CAN go to the NETHER AND THEN END.
*idk how to spell suggestion
Bruh I just found tapl a couple days ago and I already love him
Why do people struggle with droughts just buy a piglin and hack it and get gold. Its that easy. -_-
Yall never played with haste 255
Minecraft but TapL is making fun of dream cheating
Isn't this what dream did?
So I did some trading off camera…
Did anyone notice his lava buckets are stacked?
Minecraft but the floor is lava
Diamond blocks aren’t necessarily overpowered. They’re just extremely stylish for building a house or filling up your own custom bank vault in Minecraft
Man is better than dream no cap
This is like 6 year old me beating the edger dragon in creative
Giant 🐢
Scuffed dream
I have an idea for a Minecraft uhc that I really want to see
Basically the idea is that every time you get hit or damaged your armor has a a chance of having all its enchantments removed
Make it a small percentage of it removing enchants so it doesn’t immediately remove all the enchants
Also swords bows and other weapons can stay enchanted
Wait why is there more dislikes than there is then likes
plot twist: this has already been done, except the drop rate chances were a little bit lower than this
The normal room oddly punch because design conformably permit at a lame vase. dramatic, xenophobic decision
Congratulations On Hitting 2 Million Subscribers!
POV: You are Dream
you need to win'