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Minecraft, But My Friend Is A Human…
I added my friend into Minecraft through some coding magic! He had to be by my side while we beat the game and I had to protect him from everything in the Minecraft world. This was crazy fun…
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Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound
Merch: https://georgenotfound.shop
Patreon (Plugin): https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
Dream: @dream
This is a new Minecraft but, 1.18/1.19/1.20/1.21 challenge that we have decided to try.
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin
This is this the 3 year anniversary of the last Minecraft, But My Friend Is My Pet video! It all started with a fan comment which lead to Minecraft, But My Friend Is A Dog… Everyone loved the video so we did it again with a Parrot, Horse, Axolotl and finally a Bee. Now we literally have Dream in the game as himself which is pretty insane!
I heard if you subscribe and comment you get a heart from george…
he doesnt jump he kinda just sits behind a chair yup
Can dream wear armor?
8:51 it’s Technoblade George, come on!!!
7:45 did bro really just say Titanic???😂😂💀💀
10:49 is that a button?
This is dream if he was in the Minecraft movie
You gus play very god
Your career is OVER and you ended it yourself
He's dead
He's dead
You should do this but both of you are human
Bro do a hardcore video of you two playing in vr both of you
If Viktor and Jayce had a baby, it would be George, I swear 😭😭
Minecraft, but my friend doesn't like exercising
bro i though you died i was so sad cuz i loved your vides i am so happy
I sub and comment
Bros haircut is still the same
Try making the human walk as fast as a normal player can
all treasure generates at the 9×9 location within the 16×16 chunk that it generates in, you can use f3 to find your location within the chunk.
tubboat reference at 12:49, love to see it, hehe
You should make a button that on hold doesn't register any movements so you can just act out without punching or destroying stuff
how tf did dream start drowning after getting the potion of water breathing
First video with dream’s face
George: 360 no-scope
Dream: Oohhh
George:…you like that…?😏
George:Do you wanna have your own boat?
Dream:Mehh…I feel like, we should probably be together. And I kinda want you to ride me…eh- I, okay-
you should do an update on how you did the tracking and make a plugin so people in vr can do it 😄
Yo im not joking dream was skinny now kinda fat no hate please im just saying it i apologize if i made someone upset
why is dream so funny in this video
это было очень классное видео мне понравилось.☺
When the enderman teleported i got jumpscared 6:23
It would be interesting if Dream chase by five hunter with this form
Next video: Real Life, But My Friend Is A Minecraft Character…
what did you say Dream!! you want george to ride you got me dying on my floor🤣🤣🤣🤣
i could watch these videos a million times and still not be tired of it
keep going!!!
8:54 WHY
Ayy love you guys ❤
Just casually ignoring the woodland mansion in the background at 10:02 😅
Hes already getting fat again😂
The title
confused me a little tbh
dream getting wheelchair for reasons…
10:07 – Casually ignores a Woodland Mansion…
12:07 this is how the story goes…