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Minecraft, But It’s Realistic…
🚩 NEW CHANNEL! @Bionic Reacts
In today’s Minecraft Challenge… we made everything in Minecraft Realistic! There are new realistic mobs, like elephants and monkeys! Not only that, there are new realistic minecraft crafts to make new realistic weapons! These weapons range from new realistic swords, foods, bows, armor, and more! My friends and I have 20 minutes to survive this new realistic chaos, and have an ultimate death match in the end! Can we win? Like and SUBSCRIBE to help us get Trending #1! Let’s do this!
TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
My Editor: https://twitter.com/saflmao
#minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut
My boi hitting 5million before this year let's gooo cyborg gang!
Big brain in the pyramid 5 nuggets
Bionic you should just do like a 100 days series on this with your friends or you can just go solo man it would be so epic
Bionic i need to know all the mods in this video i want to try it
I like how all the diamonds speel Lapis Lazuli
Bionic I want you to play scuffed bedwars again please🙏🙏
the fight mod's name is epic fight mod lol
Wat is the mod
I love uhc vids
Am i the only 1 who heard 6 iron nuggets BRUH moment
What are you gonna do at 5 million subs?
how i get the mod?
Sorry For Late Comment, Can We All Agree That Diamonds Are Named Lapis Lazuli? EDIT: I really love bonc vids!! Bonc never dies!
when are you gonna make minecraft factions lets play episode 2 LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Is Noone gonna mention that the diamonds say lapis lazuli
I like your video but Way are you win all the time
What mods are these
Imagine if a siborc samurai chased you 😳
How is realistic on the minecraft
I wish their was more videos like this
Bionic why do u watch presen all the time
gong gang ging gang
Congratulations on 8th on gaming trending!
Bionic:today where playing minecraft buth its realistic: later bionic geting killed by a MEGA bug,
Like how did bionic do this in the final pvp it felt like was watching a movie
I love death matches and this mod is OP
My man went through corona and other diseases and still is making vids just had to say u are the best plus It would make my day which has been rough coz my dad died but I have been watching u since the first episode of troll smp my whole family and cousin brother know u too lol but a good video this was
its like you planned what to do wile you were getting ready
İf you dig four block north in lapis and when you dik four bkocks you dig straight down you get dias but dig straight down until bedrocl