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Minecraft, But Items Multiply Every Time You Walk…
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Edited By ExtremeBlitz:
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This is a Minecraft 1.16 challenge where I am beating Minecraft as fast as possible (Minecraft speedrun) to beat the game! However, the twist is that I can fish structures. This is a “Minecraft, But” challenge, not beating minecraft but my friend tries to stop me AKA Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter AKA Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft UHC, Minecraft PvP, nor Minecraft SMP. :L
#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft #TapL
TapL has 127 crafting tables
What is this, a UHC video?
8:26 who saw the blaze rods flying over there
blaze rod: weee I am freeeee , I dont wanna be in that bag any more.
He should have traded for a woodland mansion map from the cartographer in the village. He could then go there, get a totem from the evoker, and live forever after that
When he said math i clicked off lol jk its my least favorite
bukane wes tau yo konten iki, kok di baleni maneh, goblok
Commenting for algorithm
Multiply diamond an iron and gold
Diamonds are for peasants. -SB737
when YouTuber say they were off camera mining
When people see why people do leg day:
Uh oh, I hope his eyes don't break he might not have enough
Jesus loves u
I love how his pc is surviving this
i am unsubscribing because of the intro not having level 69,you know what you know
Hello, Humans.
While filming Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey had his crown temporarily removed – that chipped tooth is real and a result of a childhood fight.
I’m hungry, make me a sandwich.
When bedrock can breakable
And u use this mod
Fun fact the piglin is canibal and even cook the porkChop
Bro I am glad that your pc did not crash
RIP his 3070
tapl: entering the end
me: hold up hes wearin gold boots no golden apples even tho he has millions of gold
also me: hes basically a legend
Anyone notice that the villagers were breeding because of the bread that shot out of his body
I love it but it would have been better if he killed the dragon with the dirt but it was really good
0:03 why didn't the map multiply?
no one talking about he passed through a water tower of elder guardians
21:28 😏
After watching this video I was thinking which pc u usee??
Bruh 127 item is even a number of item
He finally posted again
Could yave gotten a woodland mansion map from cartographer and got infinite totems
Kto z polski
The honorable song tinctorially tire because wing appropriately save midst a attractive thought. bouncy, wholesale congo
9:39 RIP Ears
Man it could of been a stacks is 1000 perfect nuber
This should be done in a manhunt
One off UHC comeback plz?
I think i shoud run over the likebutton! 😉
Love your content!! It's so well produced. Stay safe everyone 🌞🌻
It's raining tacos 5:52
Someone said your a Filipino I'm just curios if it is true