guys DaquavisMC is cheating first why some video they try kill but DaquavisMC put TNT but they still go the TNT second a some video fake dream but is not real Technoblade dead on 2022 but they cheating put the video Technoblade are fake some video lv 696969 Guys Search DaquavisMC caught cheating and you will see
you so handsome
1v1 me mincraf haha 💪
Face reveal
Bro what the f*** is your profile
Bro used sand to build the bridge in the nether😊
lil bro ain’t shit without slowed down gameplay and bots 😭🙏
Did he use sand to build the bridge in the Nether?💀💀
Ruben the pig died huh. Just know that was the reincarnation of technoblade and this is only the start
Technoblade is 😈😈😈😈😈 of Minecraft.
Actually , the best used to burp can be any people in the game
8 Mil. ❤
Ey Bro what is your keyboard settings?
no happiness
I love you, can you please let me play Minecraft with you m7md6611 😂😂😂❤
8m Subs lets go bro ❤
Congratulations on 8.2m❤
Are u a a fraud fr?
face reveal💀
guys DaquavisMC is cheating
first why some video they try kill but DaquavisMC put TNT but they still go the TNT
second a some video fake dream but is not real
Technoblade dead on 2022 but they cheating put the video Technoblade are fake
some video lv 696969
Guys Search DaquavisMC caught cheating and you will see
I love your face
At least this content is better than faking videos from the old times
Technoblade is died 😢
Why are you so scared I thought you were used to be a pro at the old times seems you are just capping
Ok brooooooo
Rare footage of daquavis dieing
I watched the whole first season of Minecraft story mode, when they kill the wither storm it’s so sad because Ruben died after that
Just unsubscribe him. He always insult our Techno Blade ( Our Legend ) in shorts 😢
Yoo you will hit 10m sub
“Im not gonna spoil it” **spoils it*+
I love you too
Finally a legit video
Wow this is so hard
You tecnoblade and Yusufeli is best mineciraft player in the world dream is bad player he is trickster
What real😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
this look WAY TOOOO fake
Oh yaaaaa i saw minecraft story mode to and it kinda sucks
One of my friends said he was Daquavis
I’m scared of you 😊